Welcome to the Roger Wagner Center Online!
An electronic journal dedicated to information in the field of choral music.

Inner workings of a piano, decorative.

Dr. Roger Wagner, founding director
Dr. William Belan, managing director

The Roger Wagner Center for Choral Studies was founded in 1987 with a mission "to provide choral students and professionals with materials and information."

In order to fulfill its mission, the RW Center is actively involved in both on-going and special activities:

  1. The RW Center maintains a website at California State University, Los Angeles
  2. The RW Center sponsors student research on choral topics which is published on the website.
  3. The RW Center manages an annual international contemporary choral composition competition, co-sponsored by the Wenger Corporation;
  4. The RW Center publishes the Roger Wagner/Wenger Foundation Contemporary Choral Series, which specializes in new and significant choral compositions. The series is published by Gentry Publications and distributed by Hal Leonard;
  5. The RW Center engages in the publication of scholarly work. The first book in its series is: Choral Essays: A Tribute to Roger Wagner, edited by William Belan.
  6. The RW Center regularly sponsors and co-sponsors workshops and conferences on a wide range of topics, including the mentor/protégé relationship, non-profit management, and choral retreats.

Individuals interested in publishing on Roger Wagner Center Online should contact:

Dr. William Belan, Director
Roger Wagner Center for Choral Studies
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, California 90032
213 343-4067
[email protected]