For the latest budget updates and messages from the President, please see the all new Financial Transparency website.

Our Mission

To serve the University in the fulfillment of its mission by supporting the university's academic, administrative, and operational units.
Our goal is to ensure effective management of University resources by planning, developing budgets, and monitoring university
budget performance.


The Budget Office is responsible for all aspects of the University's Budget including planning, development, implementation, management, monitoring, and reporting. In addition, the office provides budget information, guidance, and assistance to the campus community while seeking an efficient use of all funds.

use this


the word budget alongside charts and graphs over a person holding a device

Budget Timeline

The Budget Timeline provides an overview of the budget process.

CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony
CSLA Ceremony

Student Success Fee

The fee supports program initiatives that strengthen academic advisement, enrich student learning, foster community engagement, and expand access to technology infrastructure & software.

Contact Us

Budget Administration
California State University, Los Angeles
Student Services Building, 6th Floor 6330
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Phone: (323) 343-3620
Fax: (323) 343-6408