Eligibility for grants is based on financial need as determined by the information provided on the FAFSA or CADAA. Students are encouraged to submit all required documentation by the priority document deadline. Failure to provide the required documentation will prevent Financial Aid and Scholarships from awarding aid until all requested documentation is submitted. Please note: Financial Aid awards are based on anticipated full time enrollment at Cal State LA. In accordance with proration rules established by the California Student Aid Commission, the CSU, and the U.S. Department of Education, funds will be prorated accordingly.
Federal Grants
The Pell Grant is available to Undergraduate students who have not earned a Bachelor's or Professional degree. Award amounts are based on the student's level of financial need and enrollment status for each term.
The SAI is an estimated measure of how much the student and his/her family are able to contribute towards the educational expenses for the current academic year. The federal processor uses the information reported on the FAFSA to calculate the SAI using a formula specified by law. Pell Grant award amounts will vary depending upon the student’s SAI.
Students must be enrolled full-time (12 units or more) to receive a full-time Pell Grant award per term. If the student is enrolled less than full-time, the disbursement will be prorated at the time of disbursement. As a result of any enrollment changes, the final Pell grant disbursement may increase or decrease. A decrease may result in a student bill.
Unit Enrollment | Eligibility Percentage |
12+ units | 100% |
9 - 11 units | 75% |
6 - 8 units | 50% |
1 - 5 units | 25% |
Students admitted into a post-baccalaureate teaching credential program are required to be enrolled at least half-time (6 units) in credential coursework required by the State of California. Pell Grant disbursement will occur after Census once coursework is confirmed. Effective 23-24, post- baccalaureate credential students pursuing a credential offered via the Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) are ineligible for Federal Pell Grant.
Pursuant to federal regulations, a student's eligibility to receive a Federal Pell Grant is 12 semesters. This equates to a 6-year limit to receive Federal Pell Grant funds for undergraduate and teaching credential candidates. Pell Grant funds used as an undergraduate student "count" against potential Pell Grant eligibility as a Credential student.
For information on how the lifetime limits for Pell Grants are calculated for the "equivalent of six years" visit the Federal Student Aid website.
This grant is awarded to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Funding for this grant is very limited; first priority is given to students with the lowest Student Aid Index (SAI) who receive a Pell Grant and who apply by the priority application filing deadline.
The TEACH Grant (Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education) Program provides grants for students who intend to teach in high-need fields in low-income schools. The program is available only to students admitted into an eligible PBAC teaching credential or graduate program at Cal State L.A. Effective 23-24, post-baccalaureate credential students pursuing a credential offered via the Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) are ineligible for TEACH Grant funds. Additional information is available on the TEACH grant webpage.
State Grants
Cal Grant A provides need-based grant funds to low-and middle-income students to offset tuition fee costs for students. Eligibility is based on grade point average and financial need. Cal Grant A recipients must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA to be considered for the grant in addition to meeting the appropriate grant income and asset ceilings established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units.
Cal Grant B is a need-based grant available to high-potential students from low-income, disadvantaged families to help offset tuition fee and other costs. Cal Grant B recipients must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA to be considered for the grant in addition to meeting the appropriate grant income and asset ceilings established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
For grant recipients in their first year, Cal Grant B pays an Access Award to assist with non-tuition costs (living expenses). Recipients in subsequent years of study receive the stipend as well as an award to offset tuition fees. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units.
To qualify for the Cal Grant Access Award for Foster Youth, a student must meet eligibility criteria established by the California Student Aid Commission. Eligible Cal Grant A and B students may receive an access award of up to $6,000.
Cal Grant students who have dependent children may be eligible for a Students with Dependent Children (SWD) award of up to $6,000. The Students with Dependent Children (SWD) Grant increases the Cal Grant award by up to $6,000 for qualifying Cal Grant A and B recipients. To qualify, the student must have dependent children that are under 18 years of age for whom they provide more than half of their financial support during the academic year. More information about grant eligibility is available on the California Student Aid Commission website.
In accordance with the disbursement rules established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), Cal Grant funds must be prorated for students who are enrolled less than full-time 12 units. These proration rules apply to all programs – Cal Grant A, B, and B-Stipend. The proration rules for all Cal Grant programs are as follows:
Unit Enrollment | Eligibility Percentage |
12+ units | 100% |
9 - 11 units | 75% |
6 - 8 units | 50% |
1 - 5 units | Ineligible |
For more detailed information about CSAC awards, visit the California Student Aid Commission website.
The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) 2.0 program provides Undergraduate and Credential students with a scholarship to attend Cal State L.A. Students are required to meet criteria and certain financial aid standards established by the California Student Aid Commission. For consideration, students are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) before March 2nd. Award amounts will be based on the institution's Cost of Attendance and the following:
- Any other gift aid for which the student is eligible (i.e., federal, state, institutional, or scholarship aid)
- A self-help student contribution of $7,898 (applied to all students)
- A parent contribution for dependent students with a household income of over $100,000
These three factors collectively are referred to as a student’s “available resources.” These amounts are deducted from the student’s total cost of attendance to determine the MCS 2.0 award. Under this formula, award amounts will vary widely among students, with each award reflecting their costs and available resources. For more information visit the California Student Aid Commission.
The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) 2.0 is enrollment based and will be prorated based on enrolled units at census.
Enrollment Status | Units | Disbursement % |
Full Time | 12+ | 100% |
Three Quarter Time | 9-11 | 75% |
Half Time | 6-8 | 50% |
Less than Half Time | 1-5 | 0% |
The California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth (Chafee Grant) awards up to $5,000 a year to eligible foster youth. To be eligible for the Chafee Grant, a student must meet specific criteria established by the California Student Aid Commission. To qualify, students will need to submit a Chafee Application to the California Student Aid Commission directly. For more information on how to apply visit the California Student Aid Commission.
The Golden State Teacher Grant program (GSTG) is a state-funded program administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) and is currently available to students who are enrolled in a professional preparation program approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and working towards earning their preliminary teaching or pupil personnel services credential. The goal of the Golden State Teacher Grant Program is to assist and place educators at “priority schools” as determined by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
Interested students must apply for the Golden State Teacher Grant directly via the California Student Aid Commission at: https://gstg.csac.ca.gov/. Students selected for the Golden State Teacher Grant Program are required to commit to teaching at a priority school, in California for four years, within eight years after completing a teacher preparation program. Additional information about the Golden State Teacher Grant Program is available on the California Student Aid Commission website.
State Funded Institutional Grants
Each campus within the CSU is responsible for awarding SUG grants to eligible undergraduate, credential and graduate students who are California residents or otherwise determined as eligible (such as AB-540 eligible students). Funding for the State University Grant is limited each year, and all awards are conditional based on the availability of funds from the state. Funds may be delayed or reduced, depending on action of the Governor or the California State Legislature.
At Cal State L.A., the State University Grant (SUG) is awarded to California residents for payment of state tuition fees and is based on the level of financial need and the assessed State Tuition Fee each term. This grant will be reduced or cancelled if tuition fees are waived or paid by another source — including Cal Grants. The maximum SUG awards for full-time enrollment are listed below:
- Undergraduate students - $6084
- Post baccalaureate Credential students – $7,062
- Graduate/Master’s students - $7,608
State University Grants (SUG) are based on financial need and annual funding with priority consideration given to eligible students who submit their FAFSA by the March 2nd deadline and have a zero (-1500) SAI.
Dream Act filers must have filed the Dream Act application by the March 2nd priority deadline, have a zero (-1500) SAI, and have an approved AB-540 non-resident tuition waiver on file with the University.
The CSU provides SUG funding only for the completion of a student’s initial degree/credential at any educational level. Students who are pursuing a second degree (i.e., second Bachelor’s, second Master's, second Credential, or a second Ph. D.) or are admitted as an unclassified post-baccalaureate student are NOT eligible to receive SUG funding.
Students must be enrolled at least half-time in each term to be eligible for disbursement. During Summer, for state-supported summer session enrollment, an otherwise eligible student may enroll less than half-time and receive a SUG award. Final enrollment for each term is determined at University Census.
- For Undergraduate students, enrollment in 6 or more units is required.
- For Credential Students, enrollment in 6 or more units is required
- For Graduate students, enrollment in 4 or more units is required (5000-6000)
The total earned units listed below will be used to determine your eligibility for a SUG disbursement. If your total earned units exceed the limits below for your academic career, you will no longer be eligible for the SUG grant and your award will be canceled.
Semester System (effective 2016-17):
150 or greater total earned units (Non-transfer students)
75 or greater total earned units at Cal State LA (transfer students)
Semester System (effective 2016-17):
30 or greater total earned units (include all prior credential programs and graduate transfer units)
125% of the published requirement for degree (include all prior Master’s degree units, units earned through Extended Education, and graduate transfer units). To calculate your degree units, multiply the total units required by 1.25.
SEMESTER SYSTEM (Effective 2016-17) | |
Degree Units Required | 125% of Required Units |
30 units required | 37.50 units |
32 units required | 40 units |
34 units required | 42.50 units |
The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is required to verify enrollment requirements, second-degree completion, and total earned units at each payment period or at the time of disbursement. Failure to provide the required documentation will prevent Financial Aid and Scholarships from awarding aid until all requested documentation is submitted.
*The following types of units are not considered against the undergraduate total earned units:
- Pre-Baccalaureate or Remedial Coursework that does not carry baccalaureate credit
- Test Credit (AP, IB, etc.) and Military Credit
**The maximum does not include any units completed in a non-credential post-baccalaureate degree program.
***This maximum includes all earned units from the term of admission to a graduate degree program and any applicable transfer units. The maximum does not include units earned while classified as a Credential or Second-baccalaureate student.
The Supplemental State University Grant is a need-based grant available to Undergraduate California Resident students or students with an approved AB-540 affidavit pursuing their initial undergraduate degree. Eligibility will be assessed annually based on a combination of SAI, completion of a FAFSA or DREAM application, SAP Policy, compliance with document deadlines, enrollment, and overall grant aid eligibility. The minimum enrollment requirement is 6 units per semester. Students enrolled below 6 units are ineligible for the Supplemental State University Grant Award.
The annual award maximum varies and will be based on available funding. The maximum award amount cannot exceed 50% of the assessed mandatory campus based fees for undergraduates. Undergraduate Students who are not assessed campus based fees OR whose mandatory campus fees are covered by another resource (e.g. third-party sponsorship) are ineligible for the Supplemental State University Grant.
This grant provides assistance to economically and educationally disadvantaged undergraduates. Recipients must be California residents who are admitted to Cal State LA through the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). You must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units to receive the award. Students with EOP admission questions may contact Student Academic Services at (323) 343-4367. Funds are limited.