
This website is a work in progress that started in May 2019 and is intended to promote global access to user-friendly, organized, thematic digital educational resources and to resources available elsewhere in any form or format. Educational resources include published works, works in progress, collections of physical objects that may be useful in a classroom, books, journals, online links, experimental and observational tools, and experts on campus and off.

College of Natural & Social Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
Lab Location: ASCB - Rosser Hall 345
Phone: 323.343.2054    Email: [email protected]



Bioneers Conference

Worldviews create worlds. Our civilizational crossroads reflects a crisis of consciousness. Everything's going to change, and the only question is how.

For our 30th conference, "Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Solutions," we've assembled a visionary program reflecting decades of transformative solutions and trail-blazing pathways that this growing community has so brilliantly developed.

An idea whose time has come is unstoppable. Please join with us to help realize 30 years of transformative solutions and make the Revolution from the Heart of Nature and the Human Heart.


International Symposium on

Life in the Universe 2019

Big History, SETI and the Future of Humankind

Preliminary Program

Milan (Milano), Italy,

July 15th – 16th, 2019,

with an Excursion to San Marino, July 17th – 18th, 2019.

INAF – IASF Milano,

Via A. Corti 12,

I-20133 Milano,


Deadline for abstract submission:

May 17, 2019