The College of Natural and Social Sciences Strategic Planning Process 2017 - 2018

In September 2017, the College of Natural and Social Sciences embarked on a three-year strategic planning process. The Plan is intended to be a living document to reflect the College's priorities and resources. The planning committee included NSS faculty, staff, students, alumni and University stakeholders. 

Click here for the full list of the NSS Strategic Planning Committee 

The committee, which met four times during the course of the year, was divided into five subcommittees to address the needs of the College. They subcommittees are: 

  • Mission and Values Task Force
  • People Task Force
  • External Relations Task Force
  • Internal Operations Task Force
  • Scholarship Task Force 

Goals and strategies from each of the task force can be viewed in the Implementation Meeting Document

On June 2, 2018, the first draft of the NSS Strategic Plan was delivered to the College. The final draft of the Plan was delivered in December 2018. 

NSS Strategic Plan (2019)


We are agents of change, promising to serve and transform greater Los Angeles and the global society through innovative and intentional learning environments, socially conscious and equity-minded civic engagement, and impactful (inter)disciplinary research.


  • Collaborations 
  • Intentionality 
  • Scholarship 
  • Civic-mindedness 


  • Foster Student-Centered Learning and Engagement
    • We engage students in learning that fosters personal and professional growth in an inclusive and student-centered environment that is accessible and welcoming.
  • Embrace Diversity
    • For the College of Natural and Social Sciences, embracing diversity means being purposeful and inclusive as we recruit and retain students, faculty and staff.
  • Collaborate Broadly
    • We cultivate our unique talents through a strong community and intentionally-designed, meaningful engagements. These collaborations require an integrated, communication-oriented organizational culture as well as effective and transparent support systems.
  • Empower Change
    • Our ability to transform Los Angeles and communities around the world begins with the accomplishments of our faculty and staff. Together they foster inclusion, diversity, equity, and community involvement.  
  • Focus on Los Angeles
    • We are LA. Our education and scholarship foster social justice and transformation for people, for organizations, for society.