For the 3rd Annual NSS College-wide Retreat, we have chosen a theme, “Agents of Change: Promoting Equity-mindedness through Teaching and Research”. We invite proposals showcasing the innovative ways in which you engage students in research and practice that promotes equity and/or understanding of civic responsibility. Equity-minded practices seek to eliminate the patterns of unfairness, injustice, and partisanship that create barriers for our students. We encourage you to share the powerful ways in which you involve students in their communities or in outreach and how these practices have impacted the students’ intellectual growth, enabling them to make significant contributions to their academic disciplines and professional fields. We also want to hear how you have transformed your research lab on campus to be equity-minded.
All tenured, tenure-track, and lecturer faculty are welcome to participate.
If you are interested in presenting, please submit a brief abstract (150 words) by April 10th, 2019.