Library Code of Conduct

Library Code of Conduct

John F. Kennedy Memorial Library seeks to provide the University community with the best possible environment for research and study. We ask for your cooperation with the following rules, which apply to all Library users, respecting the use of Library facilities and resources:

Conduct that disturbs Library users or interferes with Library activities is prohibited.

This includes excessive noise (including noise generated by audio equipment and electronic communication devices), verbal abuse, threats of violence, sexual harassment, use of electronic devices or other activities that interfere with the activities of Library staff and patrons.  CA Penal Code sections 415 and 415.5

The University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning and living environment for students, faculty, and staff. Each member of the campus community should choose behaviors that contribute towards this end.  Students are expected to be good citizens and engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their University, to be civil to one another and to others in the campus community, and contribute positively to student and University life.  CCA Standards for Student Conduct

To prevent theft of Library materials, Library users may be asked to present book bags and briefcases for inspection

By entering the Library, users are agreeing to pass through a security system at the exit and have hand carried items visually inspected before leaving the Library.  CA Penal Code section 490.5

Abuse of materials, facilities and equipment is prohibited

Destruction of Library materials by marking on or removing pages or other destructive activities toward materials, equipment or facilities are considered acts of vandalism.  Education Code 19910 and 19911

Commercial solicitation is prohibited in Library facilities without prior written authorization

"Commercial Solicitation" includes all activities intended to result in a sale. President's Directive Regarding Use of University Buildings and Grounds

It is expected that Library Staff requests for compliance with these rules will be immediately and civilly honored. Depending upon the seriousness of the infraction, refusal to comply with Library rules may result in:

  • A request to leave the building.
  • A police investigation of possible violations of State education, civil or penal codes.
  • A University Code of Student Conduct and Discipline hearing.