Link to Publications
I received my BA from the University of Oregon, and an MA and PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I taught at Rutgers University for three years and at The American University of Beirut for seven years, before joining the philosophy department at CSULA in fall 2009.
Research Interests
I am interested in both the history of moral philosophy and contemporary normative ethics. I also have worked on issues in applied ethics, and I’m intrigued by recent empirical approaches to moral philosophy. To access some of the papers listed below, and my non-philosophy writings (including “Two-Year in Hell”), click here.
Books |
The Value of Humanity in Kant's Moral Theory, Oxford University Press, 2006
Respect: Philosophical Essays, co-edited with Oliver Sensen, Oxford University Press, 2021 |
Selected Articles |
The Peculiar Idea of Respect for a Capacity,” in Respect: Philosophical Essays, Oxford University Press, eds. Richard Dean and Oliver Sensen, 2021 |
“The Demand for Acceptance and the Rejection of Cures,” in Disability in Practice: Attitudes, Policies, and Relationships, eds. Thomas Hill, Jr. and Adam Cureton, 2018 |
“Stigmatization and Denormalization as Public Health Policies: Some Kantian Thoughts,” Bioethics, vol. 28, no. 8, October 2014 |
“Respect for the Unworthy,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 95, no. 3, September 2014 |
“Perfected Humanity: Nature’s Final End and the End in Itself,” in Politics and Teleology in Kant, eds. Paul Formosa, Avery Goldman, and Tatiana Patrone, Wales University Press, 2014 |
"Humanity as an Idea, as an Ideal, and as an End in Itself," Kantian Review, volume 18, no. 2, July 2013 |
"A Plausible Kantian Argument Against Moralism," Social Theory and Practice, vol. 38, no. 4, October 2012 |
"Moral Education and the Ideal of Humanity," Kant and Education, eds. Klas Roth and Chris Surprenant, Routledge, 2011 |
"Does Neuroscience Undermine Deontology?" Neuroethics, vol. 3, no. 1, April 2010 |
"The Formula of Humanity as an End in Itself," in Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2009 |
"Glasgow's Conception of Kantian Humanity," Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 45, no. 2, April 2008 |
"Building Moral Robots," The International Journal of the Humanities, vol. 2, no. 2, 2004 |
"Cummiskey’s Kantian Consequentialism," Utilitas, vol. 12, no 3, March 2000 |
"A Defense of Constrained Maximization," Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, vol. 36, no. 3, Summer 1997 |
"What Should We Treat as an End in Itself?" Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 4, December 1996 |