Ph.D., English, University of Virginia, August, l991
MA, English, University of Virginia, May, l986
BA English, Concentration in Medieval Studies, Columbia University, 1983
Piers Plowman: The A Version, William Langland. A New translation with introduction and notes by Michael Calabrese. Catholic University Press, 2020. Revised Edition, 2023.
An Introduction to Piers Plowman. New Perspectives on Medieval Literature Series. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2016.
"Ye, baw for bokes”: Essays on Middle English Verse and Poetics in Honor of Hoyt N. Duggan." Co-edited with Stephen Shepherd. Marymount Institute Press, 2013.
Chaucer's Ovidian Arts of Love. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, l994.
Hm 128, a Huntington Library Manuscript of the B-text of Piers Plowman. The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive, Volume 7. Boydell and Brewer and the Medieval Academy, 2008. With Hoyt Duggan and Thorlac Turville-Petre. Also on line: http://piers.iath.virginia.edu/index.html
“Addiction, waste(ed labor), and the Debate of the Carpenter’s Tools.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 122.2 (April 2023): 187-215.
Posthuman Piers?: Rediscovering Langland's Subjectivities. Yearbook of Langland Studies 32, 2019: 3-36.
“Disabling Pride in the Pricke of Conscience.” The Chaucer Review. October 2018: 377-40.
"Langland's Last words." Readings in Medieval textuality: A Festschrift for A.C. Spearing. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2016: 65-84.
HM 128 as a Medieval Book, in Calabrese and Shepherd, 127-64.
“The Man of Law’s Tale as a Keystone”. Approaches to Teaching Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Ed. Frank Grady and Peter Travis. Modern Language Association of America, 2014.
“Being a Man in Troilus and Criseyde and Piers Plowman. Masculinities in Troilus and Criseyde, ed Tyson Pugh and Marcia Marzec. Boydell and Brewer, 2008: 161-182. Also, in this volume, co-author of the “Introduction: The Myths of Masculinity in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde” with Tison Pugh and Marcia Smith Marzec.
“Chaucer’s Dorigen and the Female Voices of the Decameron,” Studies in the Age of Chaucer 29 (2007): 259-92.
Chaucer's Legends of Good Women in MLA Guides to Teaching: Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and the Minor Poems. (New York: MLA, 2006): 101-06.
“The Corrections and Erasures in Hm 143, a C-text of Piers Plowman,” Yearbook of Langland Studies 20 (2005): 169-99.
"Controlling Space and Secrets in the Lais of Marie de France." Place, Space and Landscape in Medieval Narrative, ed. Laura Howes. Tennessee Studies in Literature. Knoxville: U. of Tennessee Press, 2007: 79-106.
"Prostitutes in the C-text of Piers Plowman" Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 105 No. 2 (2005): 275-311.
“Male Piety and Sexuality in Boccaccio's Decameron. Philological Quarterly, 83 No. 3 (Summer 2003): 257-76.
"Performing the Prioress: 'Conscience' and Responsibility in Studies of Chaucer's Prioress's Tale." "The Ends of Historicism: Medieval Literary Studies in the New Century," ed. Elizabeth Scala. Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 44:1 Spring, 2002: 66-91.
"Men and Sex in Boccaccio's Decameron.” Medievalia et Humanistica, 28, 2002: 45-72.
"Ovid and the Female Voice in the De Amore and the Letters of Abelard and Heloise." Modern Philology, Summer 97: 1-26. Reprinted by the Gale Group, 2002.
"Between Despair and Ecstasy: Marco Polo's Life of the Buddha." Exemplaria: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Theory, X, no. 1 Spring 1997: 189-229.
"Feminism in the Packaging of Boccaccio's Elegy of Lady Fiammetta." Italica, Spring 97: 20-42.
"The Rhetorics of Sexual Pleasure and Intolerance in the Middle English Cleanness" (with Eric Eliason). Modern Language Quarterly, 56, no. 3, 1995: 247-275.
"The Lover's Cure in Ovid's Remedia amoris and Chaucer's Miller's Tale." English Language Notes 31, no. 3, l994: 13-18.
"Meretricious Mixtures': Gold Dung and the Canon's Yeoman's Prologue and Tale." Chaucer Review, 27, Number 3, l993: 277-92.
"Make a Mark that Shows': Orphean Sexuality, and the Exile of Chaucer's Pardoner." Viator, 24, l993: 269-86.
"May Devoid of All Delight': January, The Merchant's Tale, and the Romance of the Rose," Studies in Philology, LXXXVII, No. 3 (Summer, l990): 261-84.
Note: these invited essays received editorial review and/or non-anonymized external review and are published in distinguished scholarly collections by academic presses, but did not receive blind peer review and so are listed as “commissioned.”
Translation Pedagogy: “Plowing down the 10 Freeway, with Langland, to East LA” in Piers and Pedagogy: A Special cluster for the Yearbook of Langland Studies. Co-edited with Elizabeth Schirmer. YLS 38 (2024). In Press.
“Teaching my translation of Piers Plowman: The A Version at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).” New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy & Profession. In Press. https://escholarship.org/uc/ncs_pedagogyandprofession.
“Translating and Reclaiming Piers Plowman at CSULA” in “Voices in Vulnerability: Experiential Learning in Pedagogy and Curriculum,” a six-part essay co-authored with Sara Bardales, Linda Greenberg, Kathryn Perry, Amy Robb, and Lizette Toribio. Text & Type, vol. 2, April 2022, https://journals.calstate.edu/textandtype/index
The Chaucer Encyclopedia. Ed Richard Newhauser. 4 vols. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. In press. Entries for: Heloise; The Prioress; Iole; Deianira; Atalanta; Europa; Ariadne; Alcione; The Canon’s Yeoman; Thisbe; Laudamia. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/The+Chaucer+Encyclopedia%2C+4+Volumes-p-9781119087991
"Interior Negotiations: Piers Plowman and the Dream Vision Genre." The Blackwell Companion to British Literature. Vol. 1. Ed. Robert DeMaria, Jr., Heesok Chang, and Samantha Zacher, 2014.
“Alliterative Wombs and the Wars of Alexander.” In Middle English Alliterative Poetry: Essays in Honour of Thorlac Turville-Petre. Ed. Hoyt Duggan and John Burrow. Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2010.
“From Troy to 95 Lincoln Place, Irvington, NJ: A Virgilian Reading of the Sopranos Underworld. Considering David Chase: Essays on The Sopranos, Northern Exposure, and The Rockford Files. Ed. Thomas Fahy (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland Press, 2007): 196-213.
I have been credited with a “special contribution” in a number of volumes in the William Belan English Madrigal Choral Series, providing critical analysis of the madrigals: Gibbons, Orlando. The Silver Swan; Farmer, John. Fair Phyllis I saw; Dowland, John. Come again sweet love (Los Angeles: Gentry Publications, 2007).
I am also credited with a “special contribution” in William Belan, A Handbook for the Performance of English Madrigals. (Los Angeles: Gentry Publications, 2007). For this book I wrote a critical analysis of the madrigals and provided an overview of English prosody and a guide for reading.
Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Volume One: The Medieval Period. Prepared a unit on the poet John Gower, including edited selections from his works and an “In Context” set of supplemental readings. A fuller version is available on the website of that press: http://www.broadviewpress.com/babl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=32
"Chaucer's Knight." In Chaucer's Pilgrims: A Guide to the Professions in the Canterbury Tales. Ed. Robert and Laura Lambdin. (Greenwood Press, 1996): 1-13.
"Boccaccio and Feminism." in Medieval Women: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Nadia Margolis and Katherina M. Wilson. (New York and London: Routledge, 2004).
Editions: Hm 143 a Huntington Library Manuscript of the C-text of Piers Plowman. The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive. With Patricia Bart. Also on line: http://piers.iath.virginia.edu/index.html
Note: some of my book reviews are published in the on-line journal, The Medieval Review:
Their citation method is yr/mo/number.
William Caxton’s Paris and Vienne and Blanchardyn and Eglantine. Ed. Harriet Hudson. SMART, in press.
The Luminous Way to the Easy: Texts and History of the First Encounter of Christianity with China. Matteo Nicolini-Zani. TMR 24.02.05.
Literary Variety and the Writing of History in Britain’s Long Twelfth Century. Jacqueline M. Burek. SMART, 31 (1) Spring 2024:139-44
Continental England: Form, Translation, and Chaucer in the Hundred Years War. Elizaveta Strakhov. TMR, 23.09.09.
Trans Historical: Gender Plurality before the Modern. Ithaca and London LaFleur, Greta, Masha Raskolnikov, and Anna Kłosowska, eds. TMR 22.11.03.
Becoming the Pearl-Poet: Perceptions, Connections, Receptions, ed. Jane Beal. Mediaevistik (in Press).
A New Companion to Critical Thinking on Chaucer. Ed. Batkie, Stephanie L., Matthew W. Irvin, and Lynn Shutters. Speculum 98, no. 1 (January 2023): 218-20.
John Trevisa’s Information Age. Emily Steiner. Modern Philology. In press. MP 82312: Published on-line before print: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/721422
Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy. TMR. 22.04.03.
Chaucer and Italian Culture. Ed. Helen Fulton. TMR 21.11.36.
Form and Foreskin: Medieval Narratives of Circumcision. A. W. Strouse. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching. SMART: Spring 2023 (Volume 30, Issue 1).
The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry. Kathryn Kerby-Fulton. Modern Philology. Volume 119, Number 4 (on line).
Medieval Historical Writing. Emily Steiner, Jenifer Jahner, and Elizabeth M. Tyler, eds. Modern Philology: 2020: Volume 118, Number 3.
Permanent Revolution. James Simpson. TMR 20.08.31
Virgin Whore. Emma Maggie Solberg. Modern Philology Volume 118, Number 2.
Chaucer and Religious Controversies in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras. Nancy Bradley Warren. Modern Philology, Volume 118, Number 2.
Chaucer’s Scribes: London Textual Production, 1384-1432. Lawrence Warner. Modern Philology, Volume 117, Number 3.
The Medieval Literary: Beyond Form, ed. Robert J. Meyer-Lee and Catherine Sanok. Comitatus 50, 2019: 235-238.
Chaucer’s “Book of the Duchess”: Contexts and Interpretations. Jamie C. Fumo, ed. Speculum. 95/1 (January 2020): 230-31.
The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman Volume 4. Traugott Lawler. TMR 19.03.03.
Historians on the General Prologue to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 40 (2018): 508-13.
Ralph Hanna: Patient Reading and Reading patience: Oxford Essays.
YLS 33 (2019): 243-46.
Dante’s Paradiso. Stanley Lombardo. TMR 18.10.20.
Margery Kempe and the Lonely Reader. Rebecca Krug. Modern
Philology Volume 116, Number 2, November 2018.
The Critics and the Prioress: Antisemitism, Criticism, and Chaucer's Prioress's Tale. Heather Blurton and Hannah Johnson eds. TMR 18.05.05.
Chaucer’s Decameron and the origin of the Canterbury Tales. Frederick M. Biggs. Arthuriana 28.3 (Fall 2018).
The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman Volume 2. Ralph Hanna TMR 18.01.09.
Invention and Authorship in Medieval England. Robert R. Edwards. Modern Philology, Volume 116 no 1, Mar 23, 2018.
Piers Plowman and the Poetics of Enigma: Riddles, Rhetoric, and Theology. Curtis A. Gruenler. Renaissance Quarterly Volume 71, Number 2 Summer 2018: 813-14. VVolume 71, Number 2 | Summer 2018 e 71, Number 2 | Summer 2011, Number 2 | Summer 2018
From Literacy to Literature: England 1300-1400. Christopher Cannon. Studies in the Age of Chaucer Vol. 9 (2017): 316-20.
Two Guides for the Journey. Sheryl Overmyer. Christianity and Literature Vol. 67 no. 2: 391-95.
Tropologies: Ethics and Invention in England, c. 1350-1600. Ryan McDermott. JEGP Vol. 117.4 (October 2018).
Dante’s Idea of Friendship: The Transformation of a Classical Concept. Filippa Modesto. Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Vol 47 (2017).
Making Love in the Twelfth Century: “Letters of Two Lovers” in Context, trans. and commentary, Barbara Newman. Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Vol 47 (2017).
Beyond Reformation? An Essay on William Langland’s Piers Plowman and the End of Constantinian Christianity. David Aers. Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Vol 47 (2016): 240-42.
The Civic Cycles: Artisan Drama and Identity in Premodern England. Nicole R. Rice and Margarete Aziza Pappano. Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Vol 47 (2016): 232-34.
Scribes and the City: London Guildhall Clerks and the Dissemination of Middle English Literature 1375-1425. Linne R. Mooney and Estelle Stubbs. The Medieval Review, 14.08.06.
Probable Truth: Editing Medieval Texts from Britain in the 21st-century. Ed. Vincent Gillespie and Anne Hudson. Yearbook of Langland Studies, Vol. 28 (2014): 245-50.
William Langland, Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition of the A, B, C and Z Versions. Edited by A. V. C. Schmidt. Second edition. JEGP Volume 112, Number 3, (July 2013): 394-396
William Langland, Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition of the A, B, C and Z Versions. Volume II: Introduction, Textual Notes, Commentary, Bibliography, and Indexical Glossary. By A. V. C. Schmidt. JEGP Vol 111. Number 1 (January 2012): 127-30.
In Strange Countries: Middle English Literature and its Afterlife. Essays in Memory of J.J. Anderson. Ed. David Matthews. TMR 12.03.01.
Medieval Grammar and Rhetoric: Language Arts and Literary Theory AD 300-1475, Rita Copeland with Ineke Sluiter. TMR 11.5.07
Desiring Bodies: Ovidian Romance and the Cult of Form. Gregory Heyworth. Studies in the Age of Chaucer 32 (2010): 417-420.
The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse, ed. Francis X Gumerlock. TMT 10.10.2.
Design and Distribution of Late Medieval Manuscripts in England, ed. Margaret Connolly and Linne R. Mooney. The Medieval Review. 10.03.07
Geoffrey Chaucer and the Poetics of Disguise. Esther Casier Quinn. The Medieval Review. 09.10.10.
Excrement in the Late Middle Ages: Sacred Filth and Chaucer’s Fecopoetics. Susan Signe Morrison. Speculum. 85.2. (May 2010): 440-41.
The Masculine Self in Late Medieval England. Derek G. Neal. University of Chicago Press, 2008. Clio 2009, Vol 38 no. 3: 359-64.
Allegory and Sexual Ethics. Noah D. Guynn. Speculum 84.1 (January 2009): 150-52.
Manmade Marvels in Medieval Culture and Literature. Scott Lightsey. Yearbook of Langland Studies. 2009.
Chaucer’s Queer Poetics. Susan Schibanoff. Speculum. 83.3 (July 2008): 748-50.
The Writings of Julian of Norwich. Edited by Nicholas Watson and Jacqueline Jenkins. The Medieval Review 07.10.28.
The Legend of Good Women: Context and Reception. Edited by Carolyn P. Collette. JEGP. 107 No. 4 (October 2008): 530-33.
Ovid’s Art and the Wife of Bath: The Ethics of Erotic Violence. Marilyn Desmond. Studies in the Age of Chaucer 29 (2006): 482-85.
Translating Desire in Medieval and Early Modern Literature, ed. Craig Berry and Heather Richardson Hayton. Comparative Literature Studies 44 No. 3 (2007): 353-55.
The Siege of Jerusalem, ed. Michael Livingston, The Medieval Review. 06.09.15.
Intercies: Studies in Middle English and Anglo-Latin Texts in Honour of A. C. Rigg, ed. Richard Firth Green and Lynne R. Mooney, The Medieval Review 06.01.17.
Abandoned Women: Rewriting the Classics in Dante, Boccaccio, and Chaucer. Susan Hagedorn. JEGP, 104 No. 3 (July, 2005): 400-402.
Francesco Petrarch, Petrarch on Religious Leisure, ed. and trans., Susan S. Schearer, The Medieval Review 04.02.43.
Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature, ed. Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose. Studies in the Age of Chaucer 25 (2003): 416-20.
Thomas Hoccleve 'My Compleinte' and Other Poems, ed. Ellis, Roger, The Medieval Review 02.09.42.
Rape and Ravishment in the Literature of Medieval England. Corinne Saunders. Le Cygne. Volume 1, New Series (Fall 2002): 41-44.
The Postcolonial Middle Ages, ed. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen. The Medieval Review
Glamorous Sorcery: Magic and Literacy in the High Middle Ages, David Rollo. Speculum 77 (October, 2002): 1386-88.
Richard the Redeless and Mum and the Sothsegger, ed. James Dean, James. The Medieval Review
Writing East: The “Travels” of Sir John Mandeville, Iain Macleod Higgins. Aurthuriana. 2000.
New Medieval Literatures, ed. Scase, et al. The Medieval Review, 99.03.16.
Boccaccio’s Dante and the Shaping Force of Satire, Robert Hollander. The Medieval Review 98.06.09.
Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam, ed. John Tolan. The Medieval Review, 97.09.07.
Geoffrey Chaucer's Wife of Bath, ed. Peter Beidler. The Medieval Review 96, 10, 15.
Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, and Translation in the Middle Ages, Rita Copeland. Philosophy and Literature, 19, Number 2 (October 1995).
The Complete Works of the Pearl Poet, Casey Finch. The Medieval Review 95, 4, 5.
Christ's Body, Sarah Beckwith. Philosophy and Literature, l8, Number 2 (October l994).
Bodytalk, E. Jane Burns. Philosophy and Literature, l8, Number 2 (October l994).
Women's Lives in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook, ed. Emilie Amt. The Medieval Review, 94, 9, 10.
A Legend of Holy Women, Trans. Sheila Delany. The Medieval Review, 94, l, 4.
The Tragic and The Sublime in Medieval Literature, Piero Boltani. Philosophy and Literature 18, Number l (April l994).
Organizer, Director and performer in the Middle English Cleanness, produced by the Chaucer Studio, 2005 and recorded at the 38th Annual International Conference of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2003. http://creativeworks.byu.edu/chaucer/
“Absolon” in The Miller’s Tale, Produced by the Chaucer Studio, 1997. NCS Readings 11. Recorded at the Tenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, July 1996. http://creativeworks.byu.edu/chaucer/
Organizer, director, performer in Piers Plowman published by the Chaucer Studio, 2015. http://creativeworks.byu.edu/chaucer/