One of the main goals of my life is to be a "Maestro" (a Professor with the ability to be an inspiring force in my students and to give them part of my heart and soul), through sharing with them relevant knowledge that will help them to be better human beings and discover the meaning of life. As tools for my goal, I have traveled in four continents doing interdisciplinary studies of Art, History, Anthropology and Philosophy. Also I have taught many different subjects that combine diverse disciplines with the intention to know and understand the reality in an integral way.
My main teaching area at present is the Art and Culture of Latin America, with specialties in Pre-Columbian, Colonial and Modern Mexico.
I have been conducting research in diverse topics of Pre-Columbian and Colonial History and Art of Latin America, comparative studies of art, history and mythology of diverse ancient cultures of the world such as India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, and Rome. At present, as a professor of California State University, Los Angeles, I am conducting research in diverse areas of the Art and History of Pre-Columbian and Colonial Latin America with emphasis in Mexico, and specifically Aztec Art and ULAMA (survival of the Mesoamerican Ballgame).
Ph.D. Latin American Studies: Art, History and Anthropology. Dissertation: "The Tequitqui Art of Sixteenth Century Mexico: An Expression of Transculturation. 1999
University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Art History of Latin America. 1997
University of Texas at Austin
DIPLOMA in History of Mexico. 1995
Colegio de Jalisco
Guadalajara, Mex.
Certificate in Education. 1994
ITESO, Jesuit University
Guadalajara, Mex.
B.S. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 1983
ITESO, Jesuit University
Guadalajara, Mex.
Art 1012 |
World Art (Byzantine, Islamic, Romanesque, Gothic, Indian, and Cambodian) |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 1013 |
World Art (Renaissance to Neoclassic) |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 421 | Baroque Art of Europe |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 436 | Renaissance Art |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 476 | Early Christian and Byzantine Art |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 4460 | Art of Latin America |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 4470 | Art of Mesoamerica and the Southwest | |
Art 4500 | Colonial Art of Mexico: Tequitui, Baroque and Churrigueresque |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 4570 | Mexican Muralism and Frida Kahlo | |
Art 4560 | Art of the Andes | |
Art 4541 | Art of Latin American Cinema |
Powerpoint Slides |
Art 4530 | Aztec Art and Culture | |
Art 5012 | Graduate Seminar: Colonial Art of Latin America (Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay) |
Powerpoint Slides |
Fall 2022 Schedule
Course | Sect. No. |
Title |
Units | Day & Time | Room |
Art 1011 | 01 |
World Art from the Ancient World to Gothic |
3 |
Mon/Wed 1:40pm-2:55pm |
BIO 144 |
Art 4570 | 01 | Mexican Muralism and Frida Kahlo | 3 |
Mon/Wed 4:30pm-5:45pm |
FA 321 |
Art 45012 | 01 |
Mesoamerican Codices |
3 |
Tues 6:00pm-8:45pm |
FA 223 |
Office Hours (or by appointment)
Day | Time |
Monday/Wednesday |
6:00pm- 7:00pm |
Date | Books & Articles |
2019 |
Ulama: The Survival of a Pre-Columbian Ballgame. Manuscript in progress; edited with the participation of 8 Cal State Students (expected for publication in 2019). |
2019 |
“Fernando González: El Arte de Saber Ver.” Foreword for the Photography Book of Jalisco by Fernando González. Expected on 2019. |
2018 |
“Ulama: La Supervivencia del Juego de Pelota Mesoamericano.” Proceedings of the International Conference: Cuerpo y Espíritu: Deporte y Cristianismo en la Historia. Murcia: Universidad Católica de Murcia, 2018. |
2018 |
La Perfección del Silencio: El Panteón de Belén y el Culto a los Muertos en México / The Perfection of Silence: The Cemetery of Belén and the Cult of the Dead in México. Guadalajara: Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Jalisco. Expanded 2nd Bilingual Edition (expected for publication in 2018). |
2017 | The Books of Mesoamerica and Colonial Mexico. Highlights from the Ruwet, Glass, and Nicholson Collections of Cal State LA. Manuel Aguilar-Moreno, Azalea Camacho, and Angelene Campuzano. Los Angeles: John F. Kennedy Memorial Library Special Collections, 2017. |
2017 |
“Ulama: El juego de pelota que ha sobrevivido hasta nuestros días” Arqueología Mexicana, Expected on 2017. |
2017 |
“El Coateocalli, los dioses extranjeros y la apropiación de espacios sagrados entre los mexica-aztecas.” In Del saber ha hecho su razón de ser. Homenaje a Alfredo López Austin. Edited by Eduardo Matos Moctezuma and Angela Ochoa. Mexico City: INAH, 2017. |
2017 |
“Emblemas GEA.” In Hospital GEA 70 Años. Edited by Dr. Mucio Moreno, Mexico City: Hospital GEA, 2017 |
2016 |
Antagonistic Tolerance: A Comparative Analysis of Competitive Sharing of Religious Sites. Robert Hayden, Aykan Erdemir, Tuğba Tanyeri-Erdemir, Timothy D. Walker, Devika Rangachari, Manuel Aguilar-Moreno, Enrique López-Hurtado and Milica Bakić-Hayden. New York: Routledge, 2016.
2016 |
“Evangelization and Indigenous Religious Reactions to Conquest and Colonization.” In Cambridge Encyclopedia of Religion in Latin America. Edited by Virginia Burnett, Paul Freston and Stephen Dove. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2016. |
2016 |
“Malinalco: El Lugar de la Guerra Sagrada.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium of Military History of Mexico (2011). Dr. Iván Valdez-Bubnov and Gral. Clever Chávez Marín (Eds.). Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Asociación Internacional de Historia Militar, 2016. |
2016 |
“Ulama: The Pre-Columbian ballgame survives today.” American Indian, Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 2016, Smithsonian Institution. |
2015 |
“Ulama: Pasado, Presente y Futuro del juego de pelota mesoamericano.” Anales de Antropología, Vol. 49, Número 1, 2015, UNAM.
2013 |
“Transculturation in Art: The Case of the Monastery of Calpan, Mexico.” Colonial Latin American Historical ReviewVol.22, No. 1, 39-66, 2013. |
2013 |
“Six Entries related to Art Sites of Mexico: Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno (Atotonilco, Gto.), Franciscan Mission of Landa de Matamoros (Sierra Gorda, Qro.), Temple of the Feathered Serpent (Xochicalco, Mor.), Church of Santo Domingo (Puebla City), Sculptures of Los Danzantes (Monte Albán, Oax.), and the Murals of Bonampak (Sierra Lacandona, Chis.). In Phaidon Atlas of Site Specific Art of the Americas. London: Phaidon, 2013. |
2012 |
Reflexiones sobre la Invasión de Estados Unidos a México (1846-48). Guadalajara: Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco, 2012. |
2011 |
Azteki. Entsiklopedicheski Spravochnik. Translation to Russian of my Book Handbook to Life in the Aztec World. Moscow: Beche, 2011. |
2011 |
Diego Rivera: A Biography. Co-authored with Erika Cabrera. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2011.
2011 |
“The Vision Serpent in the Art of Luis Bermudez.” In the Catalog of the Exhibit Luis Bermudez: Myth, Place and Identity. Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts, Ojai, Calif., 2011. |
2011 |
“La Guerra entre Estados Unidos y Mexico (1846-1848).” Proceedings of the Third International Simposium of Military History of Mexico (2005). Dr. Martín González de la Vara and Gral. Clever A. Chávez Marín (Eds.). Guadalajara: Asociación Internacional de Historia Militar, 2011. (See 2007 Praesidium article) |
2010 |
El Rostro Humano de Hidalgo. Guadalajara: Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco, 2010 (edition for the Bicentennial of the Independence of Mexico). |
2009 | Walls of Passion: The Murals of Los Angeles. Catalog of a Photo-Documentary Exhibition held at California State University, Los Angeles. Edited by Manuel Aguilar-Moreno. January 2009. |
2009 | Malinalco: A Place Between Heaven and Earth. In Landscapes of Origin in the Americas: Creation Narratives Linking Ancient Places and Present Communities. Edited by Jessica Joyce Christie. The University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa, 2009. |
2009 | "Colonial Art in Jalisco." Ventana Interior. Interdisciplinary Journal of the University of San Diego. Vol. V, 2009. |
2008 |
Élet az Aztékok Foldjén. Translation to Hungarian of my Book Handbook to Life in the Aztec World. Budapest: Thomas Kerekes, 2008. |
2007 | Markets of Latin America. 2008 Calendar for MASECA Corporation. It presents a selection of picturesque folk markets of Latin America and their traditional foods and merchandise. I was invited to write the text for this calendar and work in the desgin committee. May-December 2007. |
2007 |
Handbook to Life in the Aztec World. New York: Oxford University Press. Foreword by Dr. John M.D. Pohl, Curator of the Pre-Columbian collection of the Princeton University Museum. Paperback Edition, 2007. |
2007 |
Reflexiones sobre la invasíon de Estados Unidos a Mexico (1846-1848). Praesidium. Interdisciplinary Journal of the University of San Diego. Vol. IV, 2007. |
2006 |
Traditional Toys and Games of Latin America. 2007 Calendar for MASECA Corporation. It presents a selection of diverse traditional toys like balero and trompo, and folkoristic group games of Latin America. It also features traditional foods associated to the regions where those games are played. I was invited to write the text for this calendar and work in the design committee. June-November 2006. |
2006 |
The Concepts of Life and Death in Aztec Art. Praesidium. Interdisciplinary Journal of the University of San Diego. Vol. III, 2006. |
2006 |
The Good and Evil of Cacao in Colonial Mexico. In Chocolate in Mesoamerica. Edited by Cameron McNeil. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. |
2006 |
El Concepto de la Guerra en la Cultura Maya. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Military History of Mexico (2003). Gral. Clever A. Chavez Maron (Ed.). Guadalajara: Asociacion Internacional de Historia Militar. |
2006 |
Handbook to Life in the Ancient Aztec World. New York: Facts on File. Foreword by Dr. John M.D. Pohl, Curator of the Pre-Columbian collection of the Princeton University Museum. |
2006 |
Magical Towns of Latin America. 2006 Calendar for MASECA Corporation. It presents a selection of picturesque and historical towns of Latin America and their traditional foods. I was invited to write the text for this calendar and work in the design committee. |
2005 |
We have come only to dream: Aztec Poetry and Let’s Play Ball: Ullamaliztli. Calliope. Exploring World History. Volume 16, No. 4, December 2005. |
2005 |
Utopía de Piedra: El Arte Tequitqui de México (Stone Utopia: The Tequitqui Art of Mexico). Guadalajara: Conexión Gráfica. The book was presented at ITESO-Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico by Dr. Salvador de Alba, vice-minister of Culture of the State of Jalisco and Professor Ignacio Castiello. November 2005. |
2005 |
Philip Mackowiak, Vera Tiesler Blos, Manuel Aguilar, Jane Buikstra. On the Origin of American Tuberculosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2005, 41:515-8.
2005 |
Tepeyolotl in the Cave of Chalcatzingo. Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies Conference: 2002-2003, Vol. 20, pp.:21-34. Edited by Irene Vasquez and Doreen O’Connor-Gomez. Los Angeles: Xlibris Corp., 2005. |
2005 |
Manuel Aguilar, Miguel Medina Jaen, Tim Tucker and James Brady Origin Caves and Cosmology: A Man-Made Chicomoztoc Complex at Acatzingo Viejo. In In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Studies in Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use. Edited by Jim Brady and Keith Prufer. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005. |
2004-2005 |
The Temple of Kinich Kak Mo in Izamal. Praesidium. Interdisciplinary Journal of the University of San Diego. Vol. II, 2004-2005, pp.: 59-71. |
2004 |
Ulama (The Survival of the Ancient Mesoamerican Ballgame). Edited by Manuel Aguilar and James E. Brady. Estudios Jaliscienses No. 56. Guadalajara: Colegio de Jalisco, May 2004. |
2004 |
Filosofía y Simbolismo del Juego de Pelota Mesoamericano. In Ulama. Estudios Jaliscienses No. 56. Manuel Aguilar and James E. Brady (Eds.). Guadalajara: Colegio de Jalisco. May 2004. |
2003 |
El Venerable Juan de Palafox y Mendoza: Santo o Villano? Praesidium. Interdisciplinary Journal of the University of San Diego. Vol. I, December 2003. |
2003 |
La Perfección del Silencio: El Panteón de Belén y el Culto a la Muerte en Mexico (The Perfection of Silence. The Cemetery of Belen and the Cult of Death in Mexico). Guadalajara: Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco, 2003. Bilingual Edition. The book was released with a ceremony in the cemetery, words by the historian Enrique Florescano, the archaeologist Otto Schöndube, the anthropologist Guillermo de la Peña, the Director of Cultural Patrimony of Guadalajara Salvador de Alba, and a lecture by the author. March 17, 2003. |
2003 |
Notebook for the Mixtec Pictographic Writing Workshop at Texas. Codex Nuttall: The Zapotec Dynasty of Zaachila together with an English Translation of Alfonso Caso's 1949 Study of the Mapa de Teozacoalco. Co-authored with John M.D. Pohl. Austin: Texas Mesoamerican Meetings Editions. |
2003 |
El Sentido de la Biblia (The Meaning of the Bible) (2nd Edition). Mexico: Buena Prensa, 2003. A book on interpretation of Biblical Literary Genres and History. Foreword by Dr.Luis Alonso Schoekel. |
2003 |
The Indio Ladino as a Cultural Mediator in the Mexican Colonial Society. Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl. Vol 33, May 2003. Mexico: UNAM. |
2003 |
Etnomedicina en Mesoamérica. Arqueología Mexicana. Vol. X, No. 59, January-February 2003 (Bilingual edition). |
2002-2003 |
The Mesoamerican Ballgame as a portal to the Underworld. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute (PARI) Journal. San Francisco. Vol. III, Nos. 2 and 3, 2002-2003. |
2002 |
The Stelae of Xochicalco and Quetzalcoatl. Mexicon. Vol. XXIV, No. 6, December 2002. |
2002 |
Cultural Encounters in Mexico: Identity and Religion. Praesidium. Interdisciplinary Journal of the University of San Diego. Introductory Vol., November 2002. |
2002 |
Semblanza del Ejército Azteca. Proceedings of the First International Symposium of Military History of Mexico (2001). Gral. Clever A. Chavez Marín (Ed.). Guadalajara: Asociación Internacional de Historia Militar. |
2001 |
The Tequitqui Baroque of the State of Jalisco, Mexico. Ventana Interior, Year 3, V. III, 13, September-October 2001. Mexico: National Council for Culture and Art of Mexico (CONACULTA). |
2001 |
Documentos Coloniales Mexicanos resguardados en La Universidad de Texas en Austin. Memorias de la Benemérita Sociedad de Geografía y Estadística del Estado de Jalisco. Guadalajara. |
2001 |
The Skeleton that Eats Maize: The Day of the Dead among the Ancient and Classic Maya. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute (PARI) Journal. San Francisco. Vol.II, No.3, Summer 2001 |
1999 |
Tequitqui Art of Sixteenth Century Mexico: An Expression of Transculturation. (Doctoral Dissertation). Supervised by Dr. Karl Butzer, University of Texas at Austin. (December, 1999). |
1999 |
El Misterio de Kinich Kak Mo en Izamal. Guadalajara: Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica. (See same article in 2004-2005) |
1999 |
El Venerable Juan de Palafox y Mendoza: Santo o Villano?. Guadalajara: Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica. (See same article in 2003) |
1998 |
Tequitqui Art in Mexico. Guadalajara: Sociedad de Geografia y Estadistica. (See 1999 Dissertation)
1998 |
Translation from Spanish to English of the book El Mapa de Teozacoalco by Alfonso Caso. Austin: Texas Mesoamerican Meetings Editions. (See Notebook for the Mixtec Pictograph Writing article in 2003) |
1998 |
The Cult of the Dead in Mexico: Continuity of a Millenial Tradition. Austin: Mexic-Arte Museum Publications. Presentation and Book Signing in Mexic-ArteMuseum, Austin, Tex. October 31, 1998. |
1997 |
The Olmec Humboldt Axe and the Aztec symbol Atl-Tlachinolli. In U Mut Maya, Vol.VI. Tom and Carolyn Jones (Eds.). Arcata, CA. |
1997 |
Nahualism and Ethnomedicine in Latin America. In U Mut Maya, Vol. VI. Tom and Carolyn Jones (Eds.). Arcata, CA. |
1997 |
El Panteón de Belén y el Culto a los Muertos en México: Una Búsqueda de lo Sobrenatural. Architecture and History of funerary art in Guadalajara and in several regions of Mexico. Edition sponsored by the Government of the City of Guadalajara. Foreword by Lic. Efraín González Morfín, Minister of Education of the State of Jalisco. |
1997 |
Architecture and Ideology in Sixteenth-Century Mexico: Religious Power and Tequitqui Art (Master Thesis). Supervised by Dr.Linda Schele and Dr.KarlButzer, University of Texas at Austin. (See 1999 Dissertation) |
1995 |
Quest for the Atlquiahuitl: Historical and Cultural study of the town of Cajititlan. Cajititlan: Parish Publications. |
1994 |
El Sentido de la Biblia (The Meaning of the Bible). A Study of the Historiography and Literary Genres. Foreword by Dr.Luis Alonso Schoekel. Guadalajara: ITESO University Press. |
1993 |
The Cemetery of Belén. The Sacred Land of Silence. Guadalajara: Unidad Editorial del Estado de Jalisco. An architectural and historical study about one of the finest buildings in Guadalajara. The book was released with a ceremony in the cemetery, words by the former Mayor of Guadalajara Don Gabriel Covarrubias, a lecture by the author and a contemporary dance show. |
2006 | Appearance in Muy Interesante Magazine from Spain, September 2006. I am quoted there by my work in the Ulama Project about the study of the survival of the pre-Columbian Ballgame in Mexico. |
2006 | Participation in a T.V. program for the History Channel with the themes: "Engineering an Empire: The Aztecs." The program was produced by Jim Gaffey of KPITV of New York, and the interviews were filmed in the Anahuacalli Museum in Mexico City. May 27, 2006 |
2006 | Appearance in Smithsonian Magazine, April 2006. I am quoted there by my work in the Ulama Project about the study of the survival of the pre-Colmbian Ballgame in Mexico. |
2004 | Appearance in The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 10, 2004, in the article "Saving a Mayan Game of Sacrifice" by Marion Lloyd in the section Notes from Academe. Quoted there by my work in the Ulama Project about the study of survival of the pre-Columbian Ballgame in Mexico. December 10, 2004 |
2004 | Appearance in the newspaper Houston Chronicle, November 14, 2004, in the article "Mexico's original sport faces threat of extinction" by Jo Tuckman. Quoted there by our work in the Ulama project about the study of the survival of the pre-Columbian Ballgame in Mexico. November 14, 2004. |
2004 | Appearance in Abenteuer Archaeologie Magazine, May 24th-30th 2004, in the article "Take me out to the Ballgame" in the section Science and Technology. I am quoted there by my work in the Ulama Project about the study of the survival of the Pre-Columbian Ballgame in Mexico. May 2004, Germany. |
2004 | Appearance in The Economist Magazine, April 24th-30th 2004, in the article "Take me out to the Ballgame" in the section Science and Technology. I am quoted there by my work in the Ulama Project about the study of the survival of the pre-Columbian Ballgame in Mexico. April 2004. |
2004 | Participation in a T.V. program for the History Channel with the theme "Deep Sea Detectives: Secret Underwater" The program was produced by Rocky Collins of Lone Wolf Documentary Group, and the interviews were filmed in Cal State LA. March 12, 2004. |
2003 | Appearance in Archaeology Magazine, September-October 2003, in the article "Extreme Sport. Mexico's Ancient Ballgame" by Colleen Popson. I am quoted there by my work in the Ulama Project about the study of the survival of the pre-Columbian Ballgame in Mexico. Sept-Oct, 2003. |
2002 | Participation in a T.V. program about "The Encounter of Two Worlds: Spaniards and Indians in the American Continent", with the noted Mexican historian José María Muriá. Channel 4, Guadalajara, Mexico. October 14, 2002. |
2002 | I was quoted in the book The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works, by Roger Highfield, Viking Press, October 2002, pgs. 33-34 and 37-38. The author quotes me regarding the relationship of the Mesoamerican ballgame with the consumption of hallucinogenic substances and the links with Shamanism since 1500 B.C. This theorizes that Harry Potter's Quidditch sport was probably inspired by the Mesoamerican ballgame that had magic-religious connotations. |
2002 | Appearance in Science News, V. 161, No. 20, in the article "Openings to the Underworld" by Bruce Bower. I am quoted there by my work on the findings of a man-made Chicomoztoc, the seven caves of the origin of the Nahua people. May 18, 2002. |
2001 |
Participation in a T.V. program for the History Channel with the theme: “A Day in the Life of a Conquistador”. The program was produced by Dr. John Pohl of the Fowler Museum of Cultural History at UCLA. December 13, 2001 |
1995 | Participation in a T.V. program about "The Painting of Clemente Orozco", discussing the book "Orozco el Mito" with famous Mexican scholars like Augusto Orea Mariín (author of the book), Guillermo García Oropeza and Magdalena Gonzaález Casilla. Channel 6, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1995 |
1995 | Participation in culture and history oriented T.V. programs about "The Shroud of Christ" and "The Monster of Loch Ness". Channel 6, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1995 |
Conferences and courses on Art History, Social and Political History, Anthropology, Education, Quality Control and Biblical Interpretation. A selection of the main conferences and courses are listed below:
+ “Ulama: La supervivencia del juego de pelota mesoamericano.” Lecture for the International Conference: Body and Spirit: Sports and Christianity throughout History. Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spain. October 19, 2016.
+ “El misterio de las pelotas de hule del tributo de Tochtepec en el Códice Mendoza.” Lecture for the Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística (Mexican Society of Geography and History). Guadalajara, Mexico. June 28, 2016.
+ “La Pintura Mural de Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin. Su significación en el panorama cultural de México.” Lecture for the 1st Colloquium Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin. Tlaxcala, Mexico. February 12, 2016.
+ “The mystery of the Rubber Balls of Tochtepec in the Codex Mendoza.” Lecture for the Symposium: Ancient Mexican Books in United Kingdom Collections. Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. October 28, 2015.
+ “The Magic of Chocolate.” Ontario Museum of History and Art. Ontario, California. August 27, 2015.
+ “The Aztec Human Sacrifice: A Medical and Cultural Approach.” El Carmen Hospital. Guadalajara, Mexico. August 3, 2015.
+ “El Camino del Espíritu: 40 Años de Viaje por el Mundo.” Lecture for the Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística (Mexican Society of Geography and History). Guadalajara, Mexico. June 30, 2015.
+ “Alebrijes: Tradición, Imaginación y Color.” Lecture for UNAM-Los Angeles Cultural Center. Los Angeles, April 30, 2015.
+ “From Texas to California: A Journey with Linda Schele.” Lecture for the Symposium in Honor to Linda Schele at California State University, Los Angeles. April 9-11, 2015.
+ “Cacahuatl: The Origins and Global Impact of Chocolate.” Lecture organized by the Latin American Institue of UCLA at Ave 50 Studio, Highland Park, Los Angeles. March 29, 2015.
+ “Frida Kahlo: El Pincel de la Angustia.” Lecture for the Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística (Mexican Society of Geography and History). Guadalajara, Mexico. August 21, 2014.
+ “Aztec Human Sacrifice: Ritual and Politics”. Lecture for the Latin American Institute of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). June 16, 2014.
+ “Ulama: A Survival of a Mesoamerican Game.” Lecture for the 2013 South Central Conference on Mesoamerica. University of Houston, Houston, TX. November 2, 2013.
+ “The Millenialist Utopia of the Indian Jerusalem: Indian-Christian Art and Transculturation in 16th Century Mexico.” Lecture for the Symposium in Honor to Michael Coe at California State University, Los Angeles. April 12, 2013.
+ “Orozco y el Muralismo Mexicano.” Lecture for the Mexican Consulate. Los Angeles, CA. February 14, 2013.
+ “The Survival of the Mesoamerican Ballgame and the Ulama Project 2003-2013.” Lecture in the Anthropology Department of University of California, Riverside. November 6, 2012.
+ “The Colonial Origin of the Day of the Dead.” Lecture for the Day of the Dead Celebration at the PLAZA ART CENTER. Los Angeles, CA. November 1, 2012.
+ “Diego Rivera: From the Mexican Revolution to Detroit.” Lecture for the Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, MI. September 27, 2012.
+ “Ulama: the Survival of a Mesoamerican Ballgame.” Lecture in the context of the exhibition The Legacy of the Plumed Serpent in Ancient Mexico. Dallas Museum of Art, Horchow Auditorium. Dallas, TX. September 20, 2012.
+ “Reflexiones sobre la Invasión de Estados Unidos a México.” Lecture for presentation of the book of the same name. Organized by the Ministry of Culture of the State of Jalisco at the Museo de Arqueología de Occidente (Museum of Archaeology of Western Mexico) with the attendance of 350 persons. September 13, 2012.
+ “Antagonistic Tolerance in Cholula, Mexico.” Lecture for the Antagonistic Tolerance Research Workshop. Ataturk Florya Palace, Istanbul, Turkey. July 27-31, 2012.
+ “Portraits of Crowned Nuns and Architecture of Convents as Visual Symbols of Power in Colonial Mexico.” Lecture at the 54 International Congress of Americanists (ICA), University of Vienna, Austria. July 15-20, 2012.
+ “The Magic of the Mexican Muralism.” Lecture for the Spanish Department of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. April 14, 2012.
+ “Tequitqui: The Indian-Christian Art of Mexico.” Lecture for the Department of Latin American Studies of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. April 13, 2012.
+ “The Ulama Project: 2003-2012.” Lecture for the Anthropology Department of University of California, Merced. March 9, 2012.
+ “Ulama, a Survival of the Mesoamerican Ballgame.” Lecture for the International Mesoamerican Symposium in Honor of Alfredo López-Austin: From Teotihuacan to Tenochtitlan: Cultural Continuity in Central Mexico. California State University, Los Angeles. February 11, 2012.
+ “Muralism and Society.” Lecture in the Panel Los Angeles Murals Ordinance Update. Event organized at Cal State L.A. by the American Communities Program and Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles. January 31, 2012.
+ “Malinalco y la Guerra.” Lecture for the Eighth Symposium of Military History at National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City. November 17, 2011.
+ “Portraits of Crowned Nuns and the Conventual Life in Colonial Mexico.” Lecture for the Department of Modern Languages and Literature of California State University, Fullerton. November 10, 2011.
+ “The Rubber Ball in Ulama.” Lecture for the American Society of Ethnohistory. Pasadena, CA. October 222, 2011
+ “Mexica-Aztec: Foreign Gods and Sacred Spaces.” Presentation of a Research Paper for the Antagonistic Tolerance Project. Belgrade, Serbia. June 24, 2011.
+ “Power and Urban Design in Beijing.” Lecture to the students and faculty (640 persons) of the program Semester at Sea Fall 2010. Ship MV Explorer. November 24, 2010.
+ “The Art and Culture of India.” Lecture to the students and faculty (640 persons) of the program Semester at Sea Fall 2010. Ship MV Explorer. October 19, 2010.
+ “The Art of Morocco.” Lecture to the students and faculty (640 persons) of the program Semester at Sea Fall 2010. Ship MV Explorer. September 9, 2010.
+ “El Rostro Humano de Hidalgo.” Lecture of presentation for the book of the same name. Organized by the minister of culture of the State of Jalisco at the Government Palace of Guadalajara with the attendance of 400 persons. Event of the celebrations of the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence. July 14, 2010.
+ “La Excomunión de Hidalgo.” Lecture for the Seventh Symposium of Military History at Museo Nacional de Historia in Chapultepec Castle, Mexico City. Event of the celebrations of the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence. March 25, 2010.
+ “The Aztec Human Sacrifice: A Cultural and Medical Approach”. Lecture for the Spring 2010 Meeting of the Mesoamerican Network. California State University, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. March 14, 2010.
+ “The Cemetery of Belén and the Cult of the Dead in Mexico.” Lecture-Tour for the Guadalajara Chapter of theYoung Professionals Organization (YPO). Cemetery of Belén in Guadalajara, Mexico. Night of November 19, 2009.
+ “The History of the Day of the Dead”. Lecture for the Museum of Latin American Art. Long Beach, CA. November 1, 2009.
+ “Tequitqui Art and Transculturation: The Posa Chapels of the Monastery of Calpan, Mexico”. Lecture at the 53 International Congress of Americanists (ICA), Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City. July 19-24, 2009.
+ Courses: “Art in Public Spaces” and “Civilization of Latin America” for the Summer Program of University of San Diego at the Fundación Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, Spain. June 8-July 19, 2009.
+ Lecture-Tour on European Art at the Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain. July 1-6, 2009.
+ Lecture-Tour on Pre-Columbian and Colonial Art of Latin America at the Museo de América, Madrid, Spain. June 17-23, 2009.
+ “The Cuauhcalli of Malinalco”. Lecture for the 1st Mesoamerican Conference in Homage to Tatiana Proskouriakoff at Cal State LA. Los Angeles, CA. May 16, 2009.
+ “The Critical Existence of the Ulama Rubber Ball”. Lecture for the 1st Mesoamerican Conference in Homage to Tatiana Proskouriakoff at Cal State LA. Los Angeles, CA. May 15, 2009.
+ “Walls of Passion: The Murals of Los Angeles”. Lecture at the Symposium of the American Communities Program of Cal State LA. Los Angeles, CA. May 14, 2009.
+ “Stones of Blood: The Aztec Art.” Lecture for the Department of Art and Art History. University of Nebraska at Lincoln. April 16, 2009.
+ “The Magic of Mexican Muralism.” Lecture at Sheldon Museum. University of Nebraska at Lincoln. April 16, 2009.
+ “Transculturation in Art: The Case of Calpan Mexico” in the seminar on Beliefs, Myths, Superstitions and Rituals: Global Languages and Local Adaptations. Lecture presented at the Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. March 26-29, 2009.
+ “The Influence of Pre-Columbian Art in the Ceramics of artist Luis Bermúdez” in the context of the exhibitionCeramicas de la Tierra. Lecture presented at the American Museum of Ceramic Art (AMOCA). Pomona, CA. March 21, 2009.
+ “Walls of Passion: A Community-Based Art History Photo-Documentary Exhibit.”
Lecture and guided tour at the Symposium Building Communities: Community-Based learning and Public Scholarship Across the Disciplines. California State University, Los Angeles. February 13, 2009.
+ “Candomble: The Afro Brazilian Religion,” “Art and Architecture of Brazil,” “The Maya Hieroglyphic Writing” and “Art and Architecture of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.” Four lectures given for Enrichment Voyages, a cultural program on board of a ship that traveled to the Amazon Basin and the Caribbean Sea. December 18, 2008-January 8, 2009.
+ “Malinalco: A Place between Heaven and Earth.” Lecture for the Fall 2008 Meeting of the Mesoamerican Network. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Los Angeles, CA. November 16, 2008.
+ “Day of the Dead and Mexican Funerary Art Traditions.” Lecture for the Symposium Death and the Idea of Mexico. Organized by Chicano Studies Department of East L.A. College. October 29, 2008.
+ “Walls of Passion: The Murals of Los Angeles.” Lecture in the panel: “Mystical Urban Landscapes: Barrio Murals, Public Art Policy and Service Learning in Los Angeles.” Presented at the Conference: Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. October 2-4, 2008.
+ “Ulama: The Survival of the Mesoamerican Ballgame – Rules and Scoring.” Lecture presented at the Panel 37: Ethnohistory of the Americas. Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the CaribbeanConference (ERIP Conference). University of California, San Diego. May 22, 2008.
+ “History of Mariachi Music.” Lecture for the History Teachers Association of the San Diego Unified School District. San Diego, Calif. May 8, 2008.
+ “Maya Culture and Apocalypto.” Lecture at the Westfield Residence for UCLA students, Westwood-Los Angeles. February 20, 2008.
+ “Bridge to the Americas: The MoLAA Permanent Colecction.” Keynote Lecture at the Museum of Latin American Art of Long Beach, California. January 27, 2008.
+ “The Maya Hieroglyphic Writing,” “The Art and Architecture of the main Maya Cities” and “History of Mariachi Music.” Three lectures given for Seminar at Sea, a cultural cruise that travels in Central America, and the Caribbean Sea. December 27, 2007-January 5, 2008.
+ “Los Aztecas: Arte e Imperio.” Lecture at the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles. December 6, 2007.
+ “Malinalco: The Indian-Christian Paradise of Fertility.” Lecture at the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in Washington, D.C. November 28, 2007.
+ Undergraduate Research and the Ulama Project.” Keynote Lecture at the Southern California Undergraduate Research conference held in California State University, Los Angeles. November 17, 2007.
+ “Myths of Stone: Aztec Art and Architecture.” Lecture sponsored by the Spanish and Anthropology Departments of the University of San Diego. November 15, 2007.
+ “Portrait of Mexico Today by David Alfaro Siqueiros.” Lecture at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Santa Barbara, California. November 11, 2007.
+ “The Prometheus of Clemente Orozco”. Lecture at Frary Hall of Pomona College, Claremont, Calif. November 4, 2007.
+ “ Tequitqui Art: A Case of Antagonistic Tolerance in Mexico.” Lecture at the Workshop Antagonistic Tolerance: A Comparative Analysis of Competitive Sharing of Religious Sites. Middle Eastern Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. October 3-9, 2007.
+ “Handbook to Life in the Aztec World.” Lecture and Book Signing. New York Public Library, New York. December 12, 2006.
+ “The Cult of Death in Mexico.” Lecture for the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM). Los Angeles, CA. November 30, 2006.
+ “Tequitqui Art: Syncretism of the Christian and Indigenous Cosmologies and Religions in Mexico.” Lecture for the International Education Week of the University of San Diego. San Diego, CA. November 13, 2006.
+ “Portrait of Mexico Today by David Alfaro Siqueiros.” Lecture at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Santa Barbara, California. November 5, 2006.
+ “Indian Baroque of the State of Jalisco, Mexico.” Lecture at the 52 International Congress of Americanists (ICA). University of Sevilla, Spain. July 19, 2006.
+ “Utopía de Piedra: El Arte Tequitqui de Mexico.” Lecture and Book Signing at the Mexican Society of Geography and History, Guadalajara, Mexico. June 20, 2006.
+ “Handbook to Life in the Aztec World.” Lecture and Book Signing. California State University, Los Angeles. May 17, 2006.
+ “Ulama: The Survival of the Pre-Columbian Ballgame in Northern Mexico.” Lecture at the Huntington Colloquium: Powerful Visions. Studies of Cultural Diversions. Coordinated by Dr. Bryant Alexander. Huntington Library, San Marino, California. February 17, 2006.
+ “The Maya Hieroglyphic Writing,” “The Art of Antigua, Guatemala” and “History of Mariachi Music.” Three lectures given for Seminar at Sea, a cultural cruise that travels in Central America, the Panama Canal and the Caribbean Sea. December 27, 2005-January 4, 2006.
+ “Tequitqui Art of Colonial Mexico: A Stone Utopia.” Lecture at the Art Department of the College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Invited by Dr. Khristaan Villela. December 8, 2005.
+ “Death in Aztec Art.” Lecture for CEDART Institute of Art of the National Institute of Fine Arts at Guadalajara, Mexico. November 8, 2005.
+ “The Murals of Orozco in Guadalajara.” Lecture for the American Community of Ajijic-Lake Chapala, Mexico. October 13, 2005.
+ “Folk Baroque in Jalisco.” Lecture at the Government Palace of Guadalajara, Mexico. It was an event of the Internationally known October Festival. October 7, 2005.
+ “History of Mariachi Music.” Lecture at the International Festival of Mariachi, Guadalajara, Mexico. September 2, 2005.
+ “A View into the History of Mexico.” Lecture for the Association of Tourist Guides of the State of Jalisco. Event sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Jalisco and held in its auditorium in Guadalajara, Mexico. August 25, 2005.
+ Course: “A Vision of the Art of Mexico: From Mesoamerica to Frida Kahlo” sponsored by the advertising agencyVértice Comunicación. Guadalajara, Mexico. September-November, 2005.
+ Course: “The Art of Mexico from the Olmecs to the Muralism” taught at Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora, Mexico. July-August, 2005.
+ “The Mesoamerican Ballgame and the Ulama.” Lecture at the Art History Department of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Invited by Dr. Jeanette Peterson. May 5, 2005.
+ “Ulama, the Survival of the Mesoamerican Game.” Lecture at the International Conference on Latin America, organized by the Latin American Studies Program of California State University, San Bernardino. April 14-15, 2005.
+ “The Ulama Project 2003-2007, a model of interdisciplinary research.” Lecture at the Mesoamerican Research Center of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Invited by Dr. Anabel Ford. February 22, 2005.
+ “The Skeleton that Eats Maize: Funerary Customs of the Ancient and Modern Maya.” Lecture at the Museum of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, Calif. October 29, 2004.
+ “History of the Decipherment of the Maya Writing.” Lecture sponsored by the Spanish and History Departments of University of San Diego. October 14, 2004.
+ “The Indigenous Art of 16th Century Mexico and the Formation of the Mexican Identity.” Lecture sponsored by the Transborder Institute, the Economics Department and the Guadalajara Summer Program of the University of San Diego. October 14, 2004.
+ “The Terracotta Soldiers of the Tomb of Emperor Shi Huangdi in X’ian, China.” Lecture at the Mexican Society of Geography and History, Guadalajara, Mexico. July 27, 2004.
+ “Orozco and the Drama of American Civilization.” Lecture at the Art History Department of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Invited by Dr. Jane Dini. May 13, 2004.
+ “The Good and Evil of Cacao in Colonial Mexico.” Lecture for the Mesoamerican Network meeting at the University of California, Riverside. May 2, 2004.
+ “Philosophy and Symbolism of the Mesoamerican Ball Game.” Lecture for the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) at Montreal, Canada. April 3, 2004.
+ “Tequitqui Art of Mexico: An Indian-Christian Transculturation.” Lecture sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies and History of Art and Architecture Department of the University of Pittsburgh, Penn. April 1, 2004.
+ “Indian Baroque Art in Jalisco.” Lecture and Field Trip for the Association of Tourist Guides of the State of Jalisco. Event sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Jalisco. Guadalajara, Cajititlan, Santa Cruz de las Flores, Mexico. December 12, 2003.
+ “The Art of Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Tanzania, South Africa, Brazil and Cuba.” Series of 11 lectures for the Global Studies class at the Program Semester at Sea of the University of Pittsburgh. Voyage around the World. August 23-December 5, 2003.
+ “The Santería in Cuba,” “The Candomblé in Brazil,” and “Liberation Theology in Latinoamerica.” Series of 3 lectures for the Global Studies class at the Program Semester at Sea of the University of Pittsburgh. Voyage around the World. August 23-December 5, 2003.
+ “Arte Tequitqui en Michoacán.” Lecture for the International Interior Design Association (IIDA). Industrialists Club, Guadalajara, Mexico. August 6, 2003.
+ “The Meaning of the Bible. An Introduction to its Literary Genres.” Lecture and book signing at ITESO University, Auditorium of Graduate Studies. Guadalajara, Mexico. July 15, 2003.
+ “Dr. Atl: A Passion for Landscape.” Lecture at ITESO University, Clavigero Center, Guadalajara, Mexico. July 15, 2003.
+ Course: “A Vision of the Art of Mexico: From Mesoamerica to the Muralism (Pre-Columbian, Colonial and Modern Periods)” taught at ITESO Jesuit University (Clavijero House), Guadalajara, Mexico. June 30-July 28, 2003.
+ “The Historicity of the Map of Cuauhtinchan #2 and a Man-made Chicomoztoc Complex at Acatzingo Viejo.” Lecture at the Fifth World Archaeological Congress (WAC5) as part of the Session: Written History and Geography in Central Mexico—Codices, Lienzos, and Mapas linked to the ground. Session coordinated by John Pohl and Soeren Wichmann. Washington, D.C. June 22, 2003.
+ “El Juego de Pelota Mesoamericano: Un Portal al Inframundo”. Lecture at the Primer Congreso Internacional Sobre Juego de Hule Mesoamericano (First International Conference on the Mesoamerican Ballgame) sponsored by the Historical Society of Mazatlan. Mazatlan, Mexico. March 28-29, 2003.
+ “El Concepto de la Guerra en la Cultura Maya”. Lecture for the Second International Symposium of Military History of Mexico. University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico. March 19, 2003.
+ “The Chicomoztoc of Acatzingo”. Lecture at the Art Department of the University of California, Irvine by invitation of Dr. John Pohl. March 10, 2003.
+ “Art and Culture in Mexico”. Lecture at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California. March 8, 2003.
+ “Mexican Muralism: A Political and Ideological Art.” Lecture for the Department of Political Science at the Kroc Center of the University of San Diego. November 20, 2002.
+ “The Tequitqui Art: Indian-Christian Art of Sixteenth Century Mexico.” Lecture at the Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, California. November 14, 2002.
+ “Tepeyolotl in the Cave of Chalcatzingo.” Lecture for the Pacific Coast Council of Latin American Studies Conference (PCCLAS) at East L.A. College. Los Angeles, California. November 8-9, 2002.
+ “The Engraver José Guadalupe Posada. His Work and its Significance.” Lecture at the Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California. November 3, 2002.
+ “Perspectives of Mexico through its History”. Lecture sponsored by The Cultural Foundation of Zacatecas and held at Auditorium of the National Institute of Youth. City of Zacatecas, Mexico. September 19, 2002.
+ “The Spanish Conquest of Mexico and the Man of Fire”. On site lecture of the Orozco murals at Hospicio Cabañas in Guadalajara, Mexico. Activity organized by the Museum of the City of Guadalajara. September 7, 2002.
+ “The Image of Miguel Hidalgo in the Mexican Muralism”. Lecture as part of the events of the Independence Festival organized by the Government of the State of Aguascalientes. Main Hall of the Government Palace. City of Aguascalientes, Mexico. September 5, 2002.
+ “The Maize God and the Cross: Tequitqui Art of Mexico”. Lecture at ITESO University, Clavigero Center, Guadalajara, Mexico. September 3, 2002.
+ “History of the Decipherment of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing”. Lecture for the Association of Tourist Guides of the State of Jalisco. Event sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Jalisco and held in its auditorium in Guadalajara, Mexico. August 27, 2002.
+ Course: “Mexican Art of the 20th Century: J.G. Posada, S. Herrán, Dr. Atl, M. Izquierdo, F. Kahlo and the Muralists”, taught at the Museum of the City of Guadalajara. August 17-24, 2002.
+ Course: “A Vision of the Art of Mexico: From the Olmecs to Frida Kahlo (Pre-Columbian, Colonial and Modern Periods)” taught at the Mexican Society of Geography and History, Guadalajara, Mexico. June 17-July 22, 2002.
+ “Returning to the Beginning of Time: Exploring the Seven Caves of the Origin of the Nahuas”. Lecture at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology of the University of California, Los Angeles. June 7, 2002.
+ “Hieroglyphs and Mysticism of the Maya”. Lecture sponsored by the Latin American Society, MECHA and the Cross Cultural Centers as part as the Conference “The Maya in History and Philosophy of Liberation”. Maxwell Theater of California State University, Los Angeles. May 17, 2002.
+ “Art and Culture in Mexico”. Lecture at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California. March 1, 2002.
+ “Mexican Muralists in the United States”. Lecture at the Art Department of West Chester University, Pennsylvania. April 9, 2002.
+ “Origin Caves and Cosmology: a Man-Made Chicomoztoc Complex at Acatzingo Viejo”. Lecture for the 67thAnnual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) at Denver, Co. March 21, 2002.
+ “The Art of Dr. Atl”. Lecture at the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles. March 4, 2002.
+ “Mysteries of the Maya Hieroglyphic Writing”. Lecture sponsored by the Cross Cultural Centers at California State University, Los Angeles. February 20, 2002.
+ “Biography of Mexican Painting: A mural of Raúl Anguiano”. Lecture presented with Maestro Raúl Anguiano at East Los Angeles College. February 19, 2002.
+ “The Discovery of a Chicomoztoc (Seven Caves) in Mexico”. Lecture presented with Dr. Jim Brady at the Maxwell Theater of California State University, Los Angeles. February 12, 2002.
+ “The Murals of Clemente Orozco in the United States”. Lecture for the Museum of the City of Guadalajara. December 11, 2001.
+ “Dr. Atl: The Landscape of Passion”. Lecture at Long Beach Museum of Art. November 18, 2001.
+ “The Mesoamerican Ballgame”. Lecture for the Art Department of the University of California, Los Angeles by invitation of Dr. John Pohl. November 13, 2001.
+ “Tequitqui Art: Indian Christian Art of Sixteenth-Century Mexico”. Lecture at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). November 7, 2001.
+ “The Ballgame as a Portal to the Underworld”. Lecture for the Eighth Maya Weekend Conference at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). October 13-14, 2001.
+ “Concepts of Life and Death in Aztec Art”. Lecture sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters and the Center for Student Development of California State University, Los Angeles. October 10, 2001.
+ “Lienzo of Tlaxcala: A pictorial manuscript of Sixteenth-Century Mexico”. Lecture for the Meeting of the Societies of Geography and History of Jalisco and Tlaxcala. Guadalajara, Mexico. September 14, 2001.
+ “Mexican Colonial Documents kept in the University of Texas”. Lecture at “El Refugio” Cultural Center by invitation of the Municipal Historical Archive and the Department of culture of the town of Tlaquepaque, Mexico. September 6, 2001.
+ “Mysteries of the Maya Culture and Writing”. Lecture at ITESO University, Clavigero Center, Guadalajara, Mexico. September 5, 2001.
+ “A View of the Aztec Army”. Lecture for the First International Simposium of Military History of Mexico at El Colegio de Jalisco, Guadalajara, Mexico. I was co-organizer of the event in which participated prominent specialists of diverse countries. August 31, 2001.
+ “Mexican Colonial Documents kept in the University of Texas”. Lecture for the Mexican Society of Geography and History, Guadalajara, Mexico. August 21, 2001.
+ “Modern Mexican Political Reality and Future Challenges”. Lecture for the Political Science seminar of the summer course of the University of San Diego. July 2001.
+ “Tequitqui Art and the Transculturation Process in Mexico”. Lecture for the University of San Diego. April 24, 2001.
+ “Cultural Encounters in Mexico: Identity and Religion”. Lecture for the Pacific Coast Conference of Latin American Studies (PCCLAS) at El Colegio de la Frontera (COLEF), Tijuana, Mexico. April 5-7, 2001.
+ “Identity and Transculturation in Mexico”. Lecture at Universidad Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University), Tijuana, México. April 6, 2001.
+ “The Cultural Syncretism in Mexico”. Lecture for the Sigma Delta Pi Honors Society of Spanish Studies, Chapter California State University, Los Angeles. March 2001.
+ “The History of the Decipherment of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing”. Keynote Lecture for the commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the re-foundation of the Jesuit High School Instituto de Ciencias of Guadalajara, Mexico. December 2000.
+ “Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and the Murals of Chicano Park”. Lecture for the Docents Council of the Los Angeles County Museum, as part of the exhibition Made in California. November 10, 2000.
+ “The Skeleton that eats Maize: Day of the Dead among the Ancient and Modern Maya”. Lecture for theMesoamerican Network at the Los Angeles Craft and Folk Art Museum. November 5, 2000.
+ “The Day of the Dead in Mexico”. Lecture for the Social Sciences Department of East L.A. College. October 30, 2000.
+ “The Skeleton that eats Maize: Cult of the Dead among the Ancient and Modern Maya”. Lecture for the SeventhMaya Weekend Conference at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). October 11-13, 2000.
+ "The Tequitqui Art of Mexico: Acolman and Culhuacan" - Lecture for the Alarife Association of Architects of Guadalajara, Mexico, September 2000.
+ "The Tequitqui Art of Mexico and the monastery of Culhuacan" - Lecture for the Seminar of Mexican Culture in the Museum of the City of Guadalajara, Mexico, July 2000.
+ “The Tequitqui Art of Mexico: 1521-1600” - Lecture in the Seminar of Studio Mexico by invitation of Profr. Juan Miró, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, January 31, 2000.
+ “Olmec Culture” and “Maya Culture” - Lectures for the Seminar of Mesoamerican Studies in the University Club of Guadalajara, Mexico, December 1999.
+ “Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Bishop of Puebla”. Lecture for the cycle: “Controversial Personages of the History of Mexico”, in the City-Hall of the town of Zapopan, Mexico, during its Annual Cultural Festival. November 26, 1999.
+ ”Art and History of the City of Taxco”. Lecture in the Chapter Hall of the Church of Santa Prisca of Taxco, one of the most beautiful Baroque churches of Mexico. November 13, 1999.
+ “Hispanoamerican Art of the Sixteenth-Century”. Lecture in the Conference: 2000 Years of Christian Art. Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG), November 9, 1999.
+ “Mexican Political Reality: Candidatos y Alianzas”. Lecture for the TransBorder Institute of Political Science of the University of San Diego, CA. October, 1999.
+ “Tequitqui, the Indian-Christian Art of Sixteenth-Century Mexico” and “The Convents of Nuns in Colonial Mexico” (Lecture and Video) - Lectures given by invitation of Dr. Kellen McIntyre at the Department of Visual Arts, University of Texas at San Antonio, March 9th, 1999.
+ “Cultural Encounters in Mexico. Identity and Religion” - Annual Institute of Latin American Studies Students Association (ILASSA) Conference. University of Texas at Austin, February 26th,1999.
+ “The Indian-Christian Art of Mexico”. Lecture for the Latin American Studies Department of the University of San Diego, CA. February 16, 1999.
+ “Pre-Columbian Art of West Mexico” and “Tequitqui Art of Sixteenth-Century Mexico” - Lectures given by invitation of Dr. Marilyn Buccellati at the Art History Department, California State University, Los Angeles, CA. February 15, 1999.
+ “The Colonial Art of Mexico: 1521-1821” - Lecture in the Seminar of Studio Mexico by invitation of Profr. Juan Miró, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, February 5, 1999.
+ “The Mexican Muralism” - Lecture given for students of Beaver College, Colorado in a field trip in Guadalajara, Mexico. January 12th, 1999.
+ “The Cult of the Dead in Mexico” - Lecture given as part of the presentation of the book of the same name in Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, Texas. November 1998.
+ “The Art of Death in Mexico” - Lecture given in the Art History Department of the University of Texas at Austin by invitation of Dr. Jacqueline Barnitz. October 1998
+ “The Sacred Landscape of Izamal” - Fourth International Meeting of Maya Studies, organized by the National University of Mexico and the Ministry of Culture of Guatemala. Antigua, Guatemala. August 1998.
+ “The Colonial Art of Guadalajara” - Lecture given in the City Hall and organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Guadalajara. June 1998.
+ “Tequitqui Art and its expression in Michoacan” - Museum of Colonial Art of Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. June 1998.
+ “Maya Art” and “Aztec Art” - Museum of the City of Guadalajara, Mexico. May 1998.
+ “The Persistence of Sixteenth-Century Tequitqui style in the Baroque Architectural Decoration in the Church of Santa Cruz de las Flores(Jalisco), Mexico” - Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Los Angeles, April 1998.
+ “The Concept of Tollan in the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca”
A lecture given in the Symposium of the Texas Mesoamerican Meetings by special invitation of the late Dr.Linda Schele, leading Mayanist and president of the Texas Meetings of Maya and Mesoamerican Cultures. University of Texas at Austin, March 1998.
+ “Indian Baroque of Nueva Galicia (Jalisco), Mexico” - Annual Institute of Latin American Studies Students Association (ILASSA) Conference. University of Texas at Austin, March 1998.
+ “Tequitqui Art of Mexico. The Indian-Christian Art of the XVI Century” - Center for Archaeological Research of the University of Texas at San Antonio, March 1998.
+ “History and Meaning of the Day of the Dead” - Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, Texas, November 1997.
+ “Art and Ideology in Sixteenth Century Mexico” - South Eastern College Art Conference, Virginia Commonwealth University. Richmond, Virginia, October 1997.
+ Lectures: “Form and Meaning of Aztec Art” and “Tequitqui Art of Mexico” in the Department of Art History by invitation of Profr. Victor Zamudio-Taylor, University of Texas at Austin, September 1997.
+ “The Temple of Kinich Kak Mo in Izamal” - Second Round Table of Palenque organized by INAH, Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. June 1997.
+ “Form and meaning of the Mexican Toy” - Lecture about the exhibit of Mexican toys of nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, TX, April 1997.
+ “Nahuatl Art and Poetry” - Conference: “Identidad de las Américas”, University of San Diego, April 1997.
+ “Concepts of Life and Death in the Aztec Art” - Conference of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Guadalajara, Mexico, April 1997.
+ Lectures: “Aztec Art” and “Tequitqui Art” - History Department of University of San Diego by invitation of Dr. Iris Engstrand, April 1997.
+ “Symbolism in Aztec Art” - University of Texas at Austin Anthropological Society, March 1997.
+ “Tequitqui Art of Mexico” - Lecture in the Seminar of Historical Geography of Colonial Mexico by invitation of Dr. Karl Butzer, Geography Department, University of Texas at Austin, March 1997.
+ “El Culto a los Muertos” - Bilingual Lecture for the Inauguration of the Project of the Museum of Death with the participation of the Architecture Departments of University of Texas and ITESO University. Guadalajara, Mexico. February 1997.
+ “Mexican Funerary Architecture” - Lecture in the Seminar Studio Mexico by invitation of Dr.Logan Wagner and Profr. Sinclair Black, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, February 1997.
+ Lecture and Video about the Culture of India: "The Ganges,the River God". Cabañas Cultural Institute, Guadalajara, México, 1994.
+ "Funerary Architecture and Art in Mexico and the World" Cabañas Cultural Institute, Guadalajara, México, 1993.
+ "Greek Art" and "Egyptian Art" in a cycle of conferences on countries of the World - Cabañas Cultural Institute, Guadalajara, México, 1992.
+ "Latin American Identity" - Instituto de Ciencias, Guadalajara, México, 1992.
+ "Pre-Columbian and Colonial Art in Mexico" - University of Guadalajara, México, 1992.
+ "Mayan Art and Civilization" - University of Messina, Messina, Sicily, 1991.
+ "Mayan Art" -CIESAS de Occidente (Western Anthropological Research Center), Guadalajara, México, 1991.
+ "The Fall of the Berlin Wall" - Banamex (National Bank of Mexico), Guadalajara, México, 1990.
+ "Mexican Political Reality" - Colegio San Ignacio del Bosque, Santiago, Chile, 1990.
+ "Art and Architecture of Southern Mexico" - ITESO University, Guadalajara, México, 1990.
+ "History of the Second World War" - Instituto de Ciencias, Guadalajara, México, 1989.
+ "The Fall of the Berlin Wall" - Coparmex (Mexican Entrepreneurs Center), Guadalajara, México,1990.
+ "Art and Architecture of Southern Mexico"
- Roseville, California, 1988.
- Boise, Idaho, U.S.A., 1988.
- Boeblingen, Germany, 1988.
- University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1989.
- Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1989.
- Boston College High School, Boston, Massachusetts, 1989.
- St. Peter's Prep, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1989 and 1991.
+ "Turkey", "The Soviet Union", "Austria"; sessions during a cycle of conferences on countries of the World at the Cabañas Cultural Institute, Guadalajara, México, 1988.
+ "Art and Architecture of Southern Mexico” - Alliance Francaise, Guadalajara, México, 1988.
+ "Russian Art" - group "Kesher" of the Jewish community in Guadalajara, México, 1986.
+ "German Art and History" (3 sessions) - Instituto de Ciencias, Guadalajara, México, 1986.
+ "The Resurrection of Christ" (A historical and anthropological view) - Instituto de Ciencias, Guadalajara, México, 1985.
+ "ITESO, a Mexican University" – Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1981.