Prof. Jiang Guo

College of Engeering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Computer Science
Office ETA315


Dr. Jiang Guo

Professor of Computer Science

Dr. Guo is a Full Professor of Computer Science. The past several years he has been working as the principal/co-principal investigator on several research projects funded by U.S. Department of Homeland Security, NASA, and Navy. He was a Visiting Faculty Member of U.S. Department of Energy. He also supervised many industry-sponsored senior design projects, such as NAVSEA and Lockheed Martin.



RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES (Spring 2025 - Spring 2026)


Dr. Guo was the Investigator of the Project of Machine Learning Based TSA Operation Optimization of US Department of Homeland Security at Cal State LA. He is seeking undergraduate and graduate students with Python and Django background.


Dr. Guo was a Co-Investigator of NASA Data Intensive Research and Education Center at Cal State LA. Many of his graduate students joined JPL or other NASA centers. (2015 - 2020)




  • Data Science

  • Machine Learning

  • Software Engineering

  • Web-based Systems




Title Date
CS4440, Introduction to Operating Systems TBA
CS5440, Advanced Operating Systems  2025 Spring
CS3337, Software Engineering 2024 Fall
CS5390, Advanced Software Architecture

2024 Fall




Prof. Jiang Guo

Department of Computer Science

California State University Los Angeles

5151 State University Drive

Los Angeles, CA 90032

Voice: 323-343-6674

Fax: 323-343-6672

Email: [email protected]




Send an Email to make an appointment.