David Pitt
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests
I work in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and metaphysics.
The Quality of Thought, in press, Oxford University Press |
A Return to Simple Sentences, Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference, S. Biggs and H. Geirsson, eds., New York: Routledge, 2020: 145-52 |
Loar’s Compromised Internalism, in A. Sullivan, ed., Sensations, Thoughts, Language: Essays in Honor of Brian Loar, A. Sullivan, ed., New York: Routledge, 2019: 203-224 |
Acquaintance and Phenomenal Concepts, Cambridge Classic Arguments Series: the Knowledge Argument, S. Coleman, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2019: 87-101 |
“Consciousness and Intentionality,” in R. Gennaro, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Consciousness, New York: Routledge, 2018: 260-270 |
“What Kind of Science is Linguistics?” in C. Behme and M. Neef, eds., Essays on Linguistic Realism, John Benjamins, 2018: 7-20 |
“The Paraphenomenal Hypothesis,” Analysis 77, October 2017: 735–741 |
Phenomenal Compositionality and Context Effects, Inquiry 61, September 2017: 494-498 |
Conscious Belief, Symposium on Tim Crane’s Aspects of Psychologism, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Pscologia 7, 2016: 121-26. |
Indexical Thought, in U. Kriegel, ed., Phenomenal Intentionality: New Essays, Oxford University Press, 2013 |
Conscious Thinking, in H. Pashler, ed., Encyclopedia of the Mind, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2013: 186-189 |
Introspection, Phenomenality and the Availability of Intentional Content, in T. Bayne and M. Montague, eds., Cognitive Phenomenology, Oxford University Press, 2011 |
Intentional Psychologism, Philosophical Studies 146, October 2009: 117-138 |
The Phenomenology of Cognition, or What Is It Like to Think That P?, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LXIX, July 2004" 1-36 |
On Markerese, Philosophical Forum 34, Nos 3&4, Special Issue: The Philosophical Ideas of Jerrold J. Katz, D. Pitt, invited ed., Fall/Winter 2003: 267-300 |
Reply to Kac, Language 79, March 2003: 197-201 |
Alter Egos and Their Names, The Journal of Philosophy XCVIII, October 2001: 531-552 |
Nativism and the Theory of Content, ProtoSociology 14, 2000: 222-239 |
Compositional Idioms (with Jerrold J. Katz), Language 76, June 2000: 409-432 |
In Defense of Definitions, Philosophical Psychology 12, June 1999: 139-156 |
What is Tonality?, International Journal of Musicology IV, 1995: 291-300 |
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Philosophy, 1994
City University of New York, Graduate Center
- M.A., Music (Composition), 1985
Queens College, City University of New York
- B.A., Music, 1981
Haverford College
I used to want to be a composer (I still do, but I've stopped trying). Here are a few of my compositions.
• Five Short Pieces for Piano (1985)
• Sum Scale Invention (1985) (for solo flute)
• Kyrie (1982) (for a capella chorus SATB) (one of these days)
Some Links
• Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
• Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
• Dave Chalmers's Page
• PhilPapers
• US Philosophy Departments