Christopher Endy

Professor of History
Phone: (323) 343-2046 
Office: King Hall C4076A 
Office Hours for Fall 2024: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:35 to 2:00pm and 5:15 to 5:55pm in office and via Zoom (email me for Zoom link). I can also meet at other times; just ask.
Fall 2024 Classes 
  • HIST 4780: History of U.S. International Relations // KH B1008 Tues/Thur 12:15 to 1:30 pm // syllabus
  • HIST 5770: Graduate Readings Seminar: U.S. Social and Intellectual History // King Hall D2076 // Tuesdays 6:00 to 8:45 pm // syllabus
Photograph of Chris Endy reading a book.
I joined the History Department at Cal State LA in 2000. As a historian of U.S. international relations, I have written on the rise of international tourism and on U.S. relations with France during the Cold War.  My book, Cold War Holidays, won the Bernath Book Prize from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. My current historical research explores controversies surrounding multinational corporations and commerce since the late nineteenth century.  In recent years, I have partnered with fellow historians to publish on new methods for teaching history in college, especially the use of peer mentors or learning facilitators in introductory U.S. history courses. Click here for my articles in the History Teacher (2017) and the Journal of American History (2020).  I enjoy working with and learning from high school teachers to help bridge the gap between K-12 classrooms and college. For more on my research and teaching activities, see below. Head here for a full c.v. (.pdf).
Resources I've Created for History Teachers and Students
Links! -- a list of favorite web resources for history teachers and students
Glossary of Historiographic Terms -- TALK LIKE A HISTORIAN! 
The Bookends Method for Smartly Skimming Books -- READ LIKE A HISTORIAN! (learn more in less time, or your money back)
The Bookends Method -- a longer version of the above reading document
How to Write an Argumentative Essay -- WRITE LIKE A HISTORIAN!
Book cover for Cold War Holidays by Christopher Endy
Classes at Cal State LA

Click here for a list of classes I've taught.


Ph.D. in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000

MA in History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996

BA in History and Political Science, Duke University, 1994
My Favorite Things
If you've made it this far in the website, you might enjoy this list of my favorite things.
Duke and UNC Mascots at a 1957 sporting contest





Photo above: The Duke-UNC rivalry, circa 1957  (from the Duke University Archives).