Ph.D. Sociology 2008
- University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
M.S. Applied Sociology 2000
- Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina
B.A. Sociology 1996
- Lee University
Cleveland, Tennessee
Crime, Conflict, Law, Morality, Violence, Genocide
Campbell, Bradley. 2024. How to Think Better About Social Justice: Why Good Sociology Matters. Routledge.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2018. The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars. Palgrave Macmillan.
Campbell, Bradley. 2015. The Geometry of Genocide: A Study in Pure Sociology. University of Virginia Press.
Journal Articles
Campbell, Bradley. 2025. "Violent Time, Violent Space: Donald Black and the Behavior of Violence." The American Sociologist. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12108-025-09644-8.
Campbell, Bradley. 2021. "Social Justice and Sociological Theory." Society 58(5): 355-364.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2016. "Campus Culture Wars and the Sociology of Morality." Comparative Sociology 15(2): 147-178.
Campbell, Bradley. 2015. "Genocide as Predation." International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 43(3): 310-325.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2014. "Microaggression and Moral Cultures." Comparative Sociology 13(6): 692-726.
Campbell, Bradley. 2014. "Anti-Minotaur: The Myth of a Sociological Morality." Society 51(5): 443-451.
Campbell, Bradley. 2013. "Genocide and Social Time." Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social 6(3): 465-488.
Campbell, Bradley. 2011. "Genocide as a Matter of Degree." British Journal of Sociology 62(4): 586-612.
Campbell, Bradley. 2010. "Contradictory Behavior During Genocides." Sociological Forum 25(2): 296-314.
Campbell, Bradley. 2009. "Genocide as Social Control." Sociological Theory 27(2): 150-172.
Book Chapters
Paresky, Pamela and Bradley Campbell. 2023. "Psychology's Language and Free Speech Problem." Pages 149-172 in Ideological and Political Bias in Psychology: Nature, Scope, and Solutions, edited by Craig L. Frisby, Richard E. Redding, William T. O'Donohue, and Scott O. Lilienfeld. New York: Springer.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2019. "Social Geometry and Social Control." Pages 50-62 in The Handbook of Social Control, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Campbell, Bradley. 2015. "Terrorism and Genocide." Pages 47-65 in Terrorism and Counterterrorism Today, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Bingley, England: Emerald Press.
Campbell, Bradley. 2011. "Plea Bargaining." Pages 187-199 in Courts, Law, and Justice, edited by William Chambliss. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Book Reviews
Campbell, Bradley. 2023. Review of Mark Cooney's Execution by Family: A Theory of Honor Violence." Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books.
Campbell, Bradley. 2022. Review of Jim Belcher's Cold Civil War: Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation." Journal of Sociology and Christianity 12(1): 109-112.
Campbell, Bradley. 2021. Review of Sherry Turkle's Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 33: 196-198.
Campbell, Bradley. 2021. Review of Robert Braun's Protectors of Pluralism: Religious Minorities and the Rescue of Jews in the Low Countries during the Holocaust. Journal of Sociology and Christianity 11(1): 90-92.
Campbell, Bradley. 2020. Review of Tara Isabella Burton's Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World. Journal of Sociology and Christianity 10(2): 106-108.
Campbell, Bradley. 2020. Review of Mildred A. Schwartz and Raymond Tatalovich's The Rise and Fall of Moral Conflicts in the United States and Canada. International Sociology 35(2): 214-219.
Campbell, Bradley. 2014. "Sociology, Morality, and Social Solidarity: On Christian Smith's Sacred Project of American Sociology." Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Forum: Newsletter of the AMSS Section of the American Sociological Association 5(4): 4-8. Also avaliable at the AMSS Section Blog.
Campbell, Bradley. 2010. Review of Mark Cooney's Is Killing Wrong: A Study in Pure Sociology. Social Forces 89(2): 720-721.
Op-eds and Miscellaneous Publications
Campbell, Bradley. 2024. "Tension Between Ideology and Science: Exploring Paths to Social Justice." Skeptic.
Paresky, Pamela and Bradley Campbell. 2022. "The Other Side Isn't the Problem." RealClearPolitics.
Campbell, Bradley. 2021. "Two Cheers for the University of Austin." Areo Magazine.
Campbell, Bradley. 2020. "Diversity Training and Moral Education." Minding the Campus.
Campbell, Bradley. 2020. "What the Right Gets Wrong about Social Justice Culture." Quillette.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2020. "When Is a Riot Not a Riot?" Areo Magazine.
Paresky, Pamela and Bradley Campbell. 2020. "Safetyism Isn't the Problem." New York Times.
Campbell, Bradley. 2020. "Human Responses to Contagion: Persecution, Blame, Compassion." Areo Magazine.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2019. "Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common than You Think." Quillette.
Campbell, Bradley. 2018. "The Free Speech Crisis on Campus Is Worse than People Think." Quillette.
Campbell, Bradley and Clay Routledge. 2018. "The Problem with 'The Journal of Controversial Ideas.'" Quillette.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2018. "The End of Academe: Free Speech and the Silencing of Dissent." The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Campbell, Bradley. 2018. "Genocide and Evil." Areo Magazine.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2016. "Purity and Tolerance: The Contradictory Morality of College Campuses." Quillette.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2015. "The New Millennial 'Morality': Highly Sensitive and Easily Offended." Time.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2015. "Campbell and Manning Respond to Readers' Comments." Guest Post at Jonathan Haidt's Righteous Mind Blog.
Campbell, Bradley and Jason Manning. 2015. "Microaggression and Changing Moral Cultures." The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Campbell, Bradley. 2011. "Black's Theory of Law and Social Control." In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Criminology, edited by Richard Rosenfeld. Oxford University Press.
Campbell, Bradley. 2010. "Testimonial." Pages 195-196 in The Behavior of Law (special edition; first edition 1976), by Donald Black. Bingley, England: Emerald Press.