Programs Offered
Cal State LA offers a BS in Civil Engineering program and MS in Civil Engineering program. Please contact the department with general questions. Click the links to learn more!
WDAY @ Cal State LA
Workforce Development Academy for Youth
The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology (ECST) at Cal State LA offers a two-week Workforce Development Academy for Youth at NO COST!
Students are required to commit to a PAID internship one Saturday a month (8 months) throughout the academic year, working on engineering projects.
How do you know if the Workforce Development Academy for Youth may be for you?
- Are you interested in learning about science, engineering, and transportation?
- Would you like to explore aviation careers and be able to pilot an airplane?
- Do you want to learn by doing and be in an interactive, hands-on environment?
- Are you interested in going on field trips to explore careers and education opportunities related to transportation?
For more information, please contact Lara Asatryan, WDAY Program Coordinator, at Email: [email protected]
Office: 323-343-4450 | Fax: 323-343-6316
Careers & Fields
As a Civil Engineering student, you'll be on your way to a rewarding career in such areas as Construction Engineering Management, Transportation, Environmental, Water Resources, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering.
Advising & Resources

ECST has a split advising model carried out by the ECST Advising Center and the Department faculty to ensure students achieve their educational and personal goals. Please visit the Department of Civil Engineering's advising page for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Cal State LA College of ECST is the recipient of the Bronze-level Recognition for the ASEE Diversity Recognition Program. The engineering program in the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology is one of top five in the nation among public, master’s awarding institutions, excluding military academies. In a separate category, Cal State LA’s undergraduate computer science program is ranked among the top 20 in California.

ABET Accreditation
The program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
Department of Civil Engineering
Lara Asatryan, CE Department Coordinator
Cal State LA - 5151 State University Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90032
Building E&T, Room A-212 | Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 09:00 am - 05:00 pm.
Please contact Lara Asatryan, CE Department Coordinator, for assistance
at [email protected] | (323) 343-4450