The Tutorial Wing offers subject-specific support for most business, social science, and various STEM courses. Work with tutors and other students to understand concepts, make connections, practice problems, and develop strategies for success in your courses.
Course-based Tutoring Assistance
The list of courses below reflects courses with available tutoring support this semester. The availability of courses is updated every semester. The courses offered below are common in-demand courses. If you don't see your course in the current list, please feel free to contact us. We may still be able to find a tutor who can offer tutoring support for your course.
EDFN-1090 Intro to Stats
EDFN-1092 Intro to Stats
JAPN-1001 Elementary Japanese 1
MUS-1500 Music in World Culture
PHIL- 1081 Proof and Probability w Lab
ACCT-2100 Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT-2110 Principles of Managerial Accounting
ACCT-3200A Intermediate Financial Accounting & Reporting I
CIS-2830 Intro to Application Prog
ECON-2010 Prin of Economics I: Microecon
ECON-2020 Prin of Economics II: Macroecon
ECON-3060 Stat for Business Analysis
MKT-3100 Principles of Marketing
CE-2010 Statics
CE-2050 Strength of Materials I
CE-3030 Fluid Mechanics
CE-3200 Dynamics for Civil Engineering
CS- 1222 Intro to Relational Databases
CS- 2011 Intro to Programming I
EE-2040 Circuit Analysis I
EE-2440 Digital Engineering
EE-3300 Electric Machines
ENGR-1500 Intro to Engineering & Tech
ME-2010 Statics
ME-2030 Introduction to Mechanical Des
ME-2040 Circuit Analysis for Mechanica
ME-2050 Strength of Materials I
ME-2070 Materials Science & Engineering
ME-3000 Economics for Engineers
ME-3030 Fluid Mechanics I
ME-3200 Dynamics
ME-3210 Kinematics of Mechanism
ME-3230 Machine Design I
ME-3260 Thermodynamics
BIOL-1100 Cellular Basis of Life
BIOL-1200 Diversity of Life
BIOL-2030 Human Anatomy
BIOL-2040 Human Physiology
BIOL-3000 Biostatistics
BIOL-3200 Professional Writing Life Sci
BIOL-3400 Genetics
CHEM-1010 Fundamentals of Chemistry
CHEM-1020 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
CHEM-1040 General Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM-1100 General Chemistry I
CHEM-1110 General Chemistry II
CHEM-2200 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM-3200 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM-4310 Biochemistry
MATH-1040 Precalculus: Fnctns and Trig
MATH-1081 Precalculus: Functions
MATH-1082 Precalculus: Functions w Lab
MATH-1083 Precalculus: Trigonometry
MATH-1090 Quant Reason with Stats w Lab
MATH-1092 Reasoning with Statistics
MATH-1100 Fndtns of Real Number Sys
MATH-2110 Calculus I
MATH-2120 Calculus II
MATH-2130 Calculus III
MATH-2150 Differential Equations
MATH-2550 Intro to Linear Algebra
MATH-4740 Theory of Probability
MICRO-2010 Microbiol/Health Related Sci
MICRO-2020 Micr Lab Health Related Sci
MICRO-3100 General Microbiology
PHYS-1100 Physics for Life Science I
PHYS-1560 Physics for 21st Century
PHYS-1570 Physics for 21st Century Lab
PHYS-2100 Gen Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS- 2200 Gen Physics II: Elctro & Crcts
PSY-1500 Introductory Psychology
PSY-1700 Intro Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY-3020 Statistics in Psychology
SOC-2010 Introduction to Sociology
SOC-2100 Elementary Statistics
SOC-3100 Intermediate Statistics
KIN- 2150 Anatomical Kinesiology